Community MetaSteam | April 2019 - "Objection!" the One Finger Fatality

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Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
Finished the tutorial of OFDP 2 and I already have 106 achievements.... :)

I should probably buy a new mouse as backup just in case for some mysterious reason the buttons on this one stop working.


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018

I need some podcast tips! Got rid of a few and now I have nothing to listen to.XD
Let IFC "Safe Sex" Yipes fill your hours with happiness and bro-tasticness

RIP in pepperoni :suicide-blob:

well that sucks :(


Look at it this way: If you can manually back up the games from that device, you could play those legally obtained games on your PC or other mini console of preference ;3
Plus if you don't want to own the duo arcade sticks, you could always sell it to someone who would like to own them.
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Alright, I'm really enjoying Papo & Yo.
Game still looks really good, controls feel great and I'm really liking the environmental puzzles. I.e. you change the environment to proceed.

Good that I finally started it. It's only been sitting in my library for... checks activation history ...5 years. :whistle:


Retired, but still Enabling
Oct 11, 2018
Alright, I'm really enjoying Papo & Yo.
Game still looks really good, controls feel great and I'm really liking the environmental puzzles. I.e. you change the environment to proceed.

Good that I finally started it. It's only been sitting in my library for... checks activation history ...5 years. :whistle:
I played this before on PS3...considering how that system performs, replaying it a much solid and proper fps would make the experience much better.
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Dec 9, 2018
Alright, I'm really enjoying Papo & Yo.
Game still looks really good, controls feel great and I'm really liking the environmental puzzles. I.e. you change the environment to proceed.

Good that I finally started it. It's only been sitting in my library for... checks activation history ...5 years. :whistle:
My past self agrees. 6 years ago almost to the day. Time flies. And I now feel compelled to skim through those 400 pages.

Stump comments on COMPETITION from other stores. sigh

And the big drama of the week was Phil Fish being a jerk. Good times.

Also JaseC just hit 2.500 games.

And who will ever forget the best and most glorious Champions League final of forever only a few weeks later?

Praise 2013. :cat-heart-blob:
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Nov 1, 2018
My past self agrees. 6 years ago almost to the day. Time flies. And I now feel compelled to skim through those 400 pages.

Stump comments on COMPETITION from other stores. sigh

And the big drama of the week was Phil Fish being a jerk. Good times.

Also JaseC just hit 2.500 games.

And who will ever forget the best and most glorious Champions League final of forever only a few weeks later?

Praise 2013. :cat-heart-blob:
SteamGAF still stuck on the thread from October 2017 that's how dead it is over there.
And the frontpage is barely more active than this forum too.
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Dec 5, 2018

Despite saying I wouldn't do it I ended up nearly at the end of NG++ (with some save scumming for the endings) and modifying the xp multiplier to get the last few skills (the grind wasn't worth it)./ISPOILER]
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anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Gensokyo Defenders is coming to PC via Steam on April 25 for $19.99, publisher Unties and developer Neetpia announced.

Additionally, Unties announced that the Switch version of Gensokyo Defenders will receive new downloadable content alongside the PC release, which includes three new stages and traps, as well as new playable characters Yakumo Yukari, who can manipulate boundaries of all kinds; Toyosatomimi no Miko, an immortal Buddhist saint; and Byakuren Hijiri, a magic-wielding nun.
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Junior Member
Dec 31, 2018
Is there any metacouncil group in steam? or discord?
Not sure about Discord, but Steam group is right here
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Reactions: lashman and PhaZZe


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Some weird "story" editor coming to AnusOdyssey
kickstarted aRPG finally getting to beta ... seems to progress as planned in KS
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No reviews, no Buy
Nov 2, 2018
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Hyper˗Toxic Pro˗Consumer
Oct 23, 2018
My past self agrees. 6 years ago almost to the day. Time flies. And I now feel compelled to skim through those 400 pages.

Stump comments on COMPETITION from other stores. sigh

And the big drama of the week was Phil Fish being a jerk. Good times.

Also JaseC just hit 2.500 games.

And who will ever forget the best and most glorious Champions League final of forever only a few weeks later?

Praise 2013. :cat-heart-blob:
The Steam thread was so good back then. It's a shame that site is now a den for hatred.

I re-added my avatar just so I can find my posts easier.
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Reactions: oipic and lashman


Powered by the Cloud
Apr 6, 2019
So I was playing The Surge and decide to quit for the night. Exit the game and Steam and my entire desktop is filled with graphical artifacts. Not from the game but from icons on the desktop and Steam itself. Nothing seems to completely remove the artifacts until I quit the Steam application. Then all the artifacts disappear.

I perform a quick restart of the computer and everything seems alright after the reboot although I don't have the time to stress the graphics card more today.

So, should I be worried? The graphics card has a few years on it now or could it just have been something weird happening as I excited the game?
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Nov 1, 2018
I only wanted to take quick look at OFDP2 before going to bed and ended up doing all 15 tutorials and the first 10 "story" missions all with 5 stars and 0 misses instead. :jj_potato:

Game good.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
If it doesn't happen again i'd say it was a fluke glitch and not worry about it.
What card is it?
Are you running anything new or newly updated?
Have you played The Surge many times or for a long session before?
Try other games, It may be just a thing The Surge does on your system. If other games are unhappy too then it's either Steam, Windows or hardware.
Start the game, get to the menu and quit.
Start the game, play for a bit and quit.

Some things to try if The Surge continues to play up:
Disable Steam Overlay.
Disable Cloud Saves.
Delete the settings file for the game. It's usually in your save game or documents folder somewhere, maybe even AppData in your profile.
Run the game as Administrator to see if it needs to install some system runtime library or directx component/version.
You could check for a driver update.
Get something like GPU-Z, set it to log to a file, start the game then if the artifacts return when you quit look at the log file to check the temps etc,
If you do that then don't forget to stop logging when you don't need it.
Also you could delete most of steam apart from the steam exe. steamapps & userdata folders ( i think ) then run steam. This will get Steam to redownload itself in case it's a corrupt file. I usually just move the files to another folder rather than delete them just in case there's a config file i forgot i needed.

Take the side off the PC make sure everything is seated properly.
Keep the side off and make sure the fans are spinning when they should be.

Those are the things i usually try. Good luck! From the sounds of it though i'd say it was just a one-off.
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The flame is it's own reflection
Dec 21, 2018


substitute Max Payne with Ape Out and you're good to go
I think about coming back to Max Payne 3 every once awhile

but it just so goddamn sterile and no personality whatsoever
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Mar 13, 2019
I see some people saying negative things about Max Payne 3 here that aren't truth at all, shame on you. SHAME. ON ALL OF YOU. MP2 is the slog of the series, not MP3.
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The Angel of Deaf
Nov 17, 2018
I see some people saying negative things about Max Payne 3 here that aren't truth at all, shame on you. SHAME. ON ALL OF YOU. MP2 is the slog of the series, not MP3.

Max Payne 2 is fantastic. The only part of it that sucks ass is the Dream Sequence shortly followed by the baseball suit one.
I also like the secret ending on the hardest difficulty. (I've played MP2 like 8 times)

Max Payne 3? I've literally only played that one and a half times. Once all the way through, then another time but I got bored sitting through the cut scenes. I also couldn't get as good of a handle on the time mechanics with dying etc it just felt dumber all around. In 2 I could like twist around and do twists and turns and go all wibbly wobbly but I'd shoot once or twice and turn around in 3 then flop my ass on the floor.

MEH, big MEH.


The flame is it's own reflection
Dec 21, 2018
I see some people saying negative things about Max Payne 3 here that aren't truth at all, shame on you. SHAME. ON ALL OF YOU. MP2 is the slog of the series, not MP3.

I've been refreshing the preview thread for the new capcom collection

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Mar 13, 2019

Max Payne 2 is fantastic. The only part of it that sucks ass is the Dream Sequence shortly followed by the baseball suit one.
I also like the secret ending on the hardest difficulty. (I've played MP2 like 8 times)

Max Payne 3? I've literally only played that one and a half times. Once all the way through, then another time but I got bored sitting through the cut scenes. I also couldn't get as good of a handle on the time mechanics with dying etc it just felt dumber all around. In 2 I could like twist around and do twists and turns and go all wibbly wobbly but I'd shoot once or twice and turn around in 3 then flop my ass on the floor.

MEH, big MEH.
Ok, I'll straight say it: the only thing that I remember from Mona was that we played with her in some levels and Max liked her, otherwise, 100% forgettable, I stopped caring about all that Inner Circle thing halfway too and MP2 lost all the atmosphere and tension from MP1. MP3 in the other hand gave Max an outsider vibe, all while showing him breaking down due to his failures. Not only this, of course; MP3 the better gunplay, has the best TPS MP from last gen and while MP soundtrack never disappointed, the airport level was just something else regarding soundtrack placement.

Talking about endings, MP1 ending was a baller too, but MP2? Eh, can't imagine how badly that thing of 'shot the structure so bad guy falls' aged. Story-wise, I was engaged in MP3, differently than MP2 that after the last hospital level just made me rush through it. Not saying that 3 is perfect; the bus scene, for one, felt completely out of place. Stadium was indeed a slog to play, too. In the other hand, though, NY flashback, police dp, all levels in the favelas and the start of the yatch level are awesome, would replay them any day of the week over MP2 levels.

Disclaimer: I'm Brazilian and MP3 came just around when I and my colleagues were all hyped about Elite Squad still as MP3 had a bit of those movies in it.


The Angel of Deaf
Nov 17, 2018
Ok, I'll straight say it: the only thing that I remember from Mona was that we played with her in some levels and Max liked her, otherwise, 100% forgettable, I stopped caring about all that Inner Circle thing halfway too and MP2 lost all the atmosphere and tension from MP1. MP3 in the other hand gave Max an outsider vibe, all while showing him breaking down due to his failures. Not only this, of course; MP3 the better gunplay, has the best TPS MP from last gen and while MP soundtrack never disappointed, the airport level was just something else regarding soundtrack placement.

Talking about endings, MP1 ending was a baller too, but MP2? Eh, can't imagine how badly that thing of 'shot the structure so bad guy falls' aged. Story-wise, I was engaged in MP3, differently than MP2 that after the last hospital level just made me rush through it. Not saying that 3 is perfect; the bus scene, for one, felt completely out of place. Stadium was indeed a slog to play, too. In the other hand, though, NY flashback, police dp, all levels in the favelas and the start of the yatch level are awesome, would replay them any day of the week over MP2 levels.

Disclaimer: I'm Brazilian and MP3 came just around when I and my colleagues were all hyped about Elite Squad still as MP3 had a bit of those movies in it.
I mean...

I think it really just boils down to not being able to skip cut scenes, if you could do that it would be a better game overall, I was probably just a bigger fan of the comicbook style cutscene thing they had going on for the first two I never did the multiplayer so I have no idea on that!
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
It's easy to trashtalk the nep games for their asset reuse and general similarity between them all, but I always did like the humor and references to anime/manga/pop-culture and game culture as well.

Easy JRPG comfort food. (y)
This reminds me to return to these games, I think I have them all but I've never played them lol

FarCry Primal is really good, I'm happy to report.
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