Yesterday was something, but today tops it all.
My upper neighbor is using one of his fucking machines to get[UWSL] some earthenware off, like yesterday. Like every three month to be honest. It's fucking up my nerves something good. His cow of a wife said hello in the hall, I said hello, she casually said they will soon be finished, I didn't answer. That's the most polite I can be right now.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]My cat went out in the hall and when I had to lift him he growled and scratched like never before.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]I screamed at him good after that. I give love and food and whatever I can, you just don't growl at me like I'm a stranger.[/UWSL]
Online shopping just included 800g (!) of mayonnaise. Because sure, I love paying for some shit I didn't order.
Unwanted calls galore ! Calls calls calls ! I'm at the point where I'm considering switching to a mobile phone as main and looking into the possibility to set the unknown contacts as not ringing (is it doable ?)
I'm so really tired, and to top it off there is still my mother surgery in two days that weight on everybody's mood.