It is, unless you can actually point to where and how it happens.Because predatory monetization is just hearsay...
Let me put it another way. I can say that Valve holds a monopoly on PC gaming through Steam, and many others are saying it. They have a vested interest in saying it. But until someone musters up the facts and logic to back it up, it's just an internet opinion. That wouldn't make that statement correct.
There's a lot of that going on around star citizen. There's a lot of small and large communities that have a complete and utter hate boner for that game and the company, SA among them. I have seen doxxing, media articles based on absolutely nothing where people were pretending to be CIG employees just to try and spread fear to trigger a run on the bank. Hell, one of the game's once-loudest and most ridiculous critic is derek smart. There are routinely conspiracy theories drawn up on how CR is building a mansion with backer funds and going on holidays with them. You wouldn't believe how utterly insane the hate-circus around this game is.
That's why I am so adamant and annoying about facts, because consensus and opinions just don't do it when this shit show is routine. I don't mean to piss you or anyone off but as someone who has followed this and knows a bit about gamedev, I do try to point out the lack of facts and disinformation when I can. Same that happens with the EGS and Tim.