|OT| Monthly Videogame Quiz



your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

July Quiz - Answers & Score

The bonus question wasn't particularly popular this round, only half of you (49%) even submitted a suggestion. There were multiple mentions for Uncharted (22%) as well as Tomb Raider, Witcher, Indiana Jones, Myst (with 2% each).

Only 8.6% guessed correctly:

It was the close-up of this treasure map from the 80s classic "The Goonies". No points were awarded for this, it wasn't a computer game after all! :p

Well then, let's start the evaluation: First the names of the games as text, then the pictures, then the high score table.

1) Doom 64
Not as iconic as I thought ;) Whereas I quite like "Elite" and "Thrust" as entries, from the vector graphics and genre influence (as "Elite clones" and "Thrust clones" were a thing after all) one can understand that.
Answer rate: 71%
Other suggestions: Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex, Turok, System Shock, Thrust, Elite

2) Super Mario Galaxy 2
Everyone recognises the Mario head, therefore the easiest game of this round.
Answer rate: 95%
Other suggestions: -

3) Dota 2
I thought everyone had seen this diagonal "three paths and a river through the middle" map (which has remained roughly the same since the first game) by now.
Answer rate: 58%
Other suggestions: 9x League of Legends, StarCraft, Command & Conquer, Smite, Rogue, Supreme Commander, Warcraft, X-Com

4) Metroid Prime 2
This is the second Nintendo exclusive title of this round.
Answer rate: 66%
Other suggestions: Breath of the Wild, Castlevania, Dead Space, Descent, Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Half Life, Resident Evil, Warframe

5) Diablo
This is the first time this classic game has appeared in this quiz series, I thought more people knew it.
Solving rate: 68%
Other suggestions: 4x Ultima, Dungeon Keeper, Kagero, Planescape: Torment, Syndicate

6) Batman Arkham Origins
Na na na na na na na Batman symbol!
Answer rate: 80%
Other suggestions: Metroid Dread

7) Red Faction Guerilla
Despite the big logo in the middle of the map, just over half of you recognise it. And "Red Steel" is close in name, but just an overhyped Wii fps. ;)
Answer rate: 57%
Other suggestions: 4x Command & Conquer, The Settlers, Fallout, Red Steel, Rust

8.) Desert Strike
Answer rate: 59%
Other suggestions: Civilization, commando, Desert Storm, Firepower, Sim City, Turn & Burn, Ww2

9) Far Cry 2
Answer rate: 59%
Other suggestions: Uncharted Lost Legacy, Bard's Tale, Battle Field, Dead Rising, Deadly Premonition, Quake Enemy Territory, Tomb Raider

10) Star Fox 2
I was wondering why someone would enter "1993 Space Machine" here, but then I realised: that game was on ice for over twenty years, just like Star Fox 2!
Answer rate: 55%
Other suggestions: 5x Star Control, Master of Orion, Space Rangers 2, Toejam and Earl, Wing Commander, xia, 1993: Space Machine

11) Silent Hill 4
Answer rate: 48%
Other suggestions: 4x Resident Evil, Thief, Agatha Christie, Bully, Duke Nukem Forever, Gone Home, Hitman, Life is Strange, Shadowman, This War of Mine

12) Beyond Good & Evil
Is there actually a second part coming? :/
Answer rate: 39%
Other suggestions: Battalion Wars, Bubble Bobble, Crackdown, GTA Vice City, Shellshock

13) Day Z
I also let "Arma" stand. They have the same background and look so similar.
Answer rate: 33%
Other suggestions: 4x Vietcong, 4x Ghost Recon, Lost Patrol, Socom, Bad Company, Call of Duty, Delta Force, Far cry 6, Modern Warfare, Saints Row The Third, spec ops, Golden Axe

14) Silent Hunter
Some entries for "Silent Service", but that's a different series.
Answer rate: 23%
Other suggestions: 5x Silent Service, Pirates, 1942: Pacific Air War, Aces of the Deep, Axis & Allies, Battle for midway, Civilization, F15 Strike Eagle, pacific strike, PTO, Sudden Strike

15) Ultima Underworld
Subtitled "the stygian Abyss". Impressive pre-Doom 3D graphics with automap.
Answer rate: 29%
Other suggestions: 7x Elder Scrolls, Zelda, Dragonflight, Hidden Valley, operation sandstorm

16) Mass Effect 2
This planetary view was easier to identify than I expected.
Answer rate: 59%
Other suggestions: X-Com, Elite Dangerous, Homeworld, Rogue Leader, Star Fox.

17) Golden Axe
I was curious how many "Discworld" entries there would be due to the odd turtle. Thirteen! ;)
Answer rate: 48%
Other suggestions: 13x Discworld, God of War, Legend of Hero Tonma, Simon the Sorcerer, Skyrim

18.) Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
Heavy pew pew pew over the Death Star, I could never do much with the radar though. This is the fourth Nintendo exclusive entry.
Answer rate: 26%
Other suggestions: 4x Wing Commander, Elite Dangerous, astrorock, Battlezone, Colony Wars, Frontier, Space Hulk, Tempest.

19) UN Squadron
Also known as Area 88.
Answer rate: 16%
Other suggestions: Jagged Alliance, Dune 1 & 2, Austerlitz, Battle Isle, battleships, Empire, Laser Squad

20) Airborne Ranger
Answer rate: 13%
Other suggestions: Dune 1 & 2, Beach Head, Castles, Command & Conquer , Commando, Conquestador, Hades Nebula, Icari Warriors, It Came From the Desert, Rambo, Robinson's Requiem, Star Wars, Tank Arena, ZZT

21) Dead State
Exactly half of you got it right.
Answer rate: 50%
Other suggestions: Big Mutha Truckers, Blackwell series, Dead by Daylight, Dead Rising, Forza, hunting simulator, Jagged Alliance, Resident Evil 3, Road 96, State of Decay 2, The Sims, Uncharted

22) Midnight Club L.A.
The only racing game of this round.
Answer rate: 13%
Other suggestions: GTA, Need for Speed, Burnout, Anomaly Korea, Black Ops, Cities Skylines, Forza Horizon, Front Mission, Persona, Saints Row, Test Drive Unlimited, The Crew, Tom Clancy's Endwar

23) Men of War - Assault Squad
Many have named Company of Heroes, but this is a different series despite all the similarities.
Answer rate: 5%
Other suggestions: 10x Company of Heroes, Battlefield, ARMA, Command & Conquer, Dynasty Warriors, Iron Harvest, Battle for Middle Earth, Syndicate, Total War, Valkyria Chronicles, world of warcraft

24) Prototype
Here I used a generic "New York map" to give the pros something to do and to see what suggestions come in. :D
Answer rate: 28%
Other suggestions: 8x Spider-Man, True Crime NYC, GTA, Alone in the Dark, Fallout, Infamous, Resistance, Saints Row, The Division, Twister Metal

25) Battle Engine Aquila
An unspectacular sci fi shooter for the ps2.
Answer rate: 13%
Other suggestions: Halo, Battlezone, Drakan, Ground Control, Gunship, Magic Carpet, Monster Hunter, Outcast, Populous, Sacrifice, Star Wars Battlefield, Super Mario Kart 64

Here is the puzzle picture again, followed by the answers:


Direct link: link


01 - 25 points - mnc - Dream Team
01 - 25 Points - mmx - Nayuta
01 - 25 Points - rta - Marek
01 - 25 points - rta - EmmaDansTonU
01 - 25 points - spz - The_Bach

06 - 24 points - rta - EarthPainting
07 - 24 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
08 - 24 points - mnc - East West Elite
09 - 23 points - mmx - fedprod
10 - 22 points - gsg - TheLastToKnow
11 - 22 points - mtc - Valdien
12 - 22 points - ntl - lifer
13 - 21 Points - mnc - Gerhard S.
14 - 20 Points - gpo - DocMoody
15 - 19 Points - eab - Little Havie
16 - 19 points - eab - darkwave
17 - 19 points - mnc - Baseman
18 - 18 points - mtc - Wibblewozzer
19 - 17 points - rta - Illusionary
20 - 17 points - gav - Wizdom

21 - 17 points - eab - Havie
22 - 17 points - mtc - Parsnip
23 - 17 points - eab - Nobby_UK
24 - 16 points - cib - Sundog
25 - 16 points - smu - drauch
26 - 16 points - mmx - Knuckles
27 - 16 points - ata - jgkspsx
28 - 15 points - rta - Codas
29 - 15 points - rtc - Antiriad2097
30 - 15 points - mnc - HomiSite
31 - 15 points - hcg - Apollo Chungus
32 - 15 points - smu - Mr Shadow
33 - 15 points - gsg - partykiller
34 - 15 points - rta - *Splinter
35 - 14 points - hcg - Mainpatr
36 - 14 points - ftg - DeekyFun
37 - 14 points - ftg - rwklau
38 - 14 points - mmx - Klunky
39 - 14 points - mtc - mssq
40 - 14 points - mnc - sonic2d
41 - 13 points - gpo - rave
42 - 13 points - mtc - MegaApple
43 - 13 points - gpo - Konsolomio
44 - 13 points - rpg - Dezue
45 - 12 points - hcg - Personman
46 - 12 points - hcg - dsparil
47 - 12 points - gms - kopyright
48 - 12 points - can - M.Rick75
49 - 12 points - ftg - drhcnip
50 - 12 points - rta - Freezard
51 - 12 points - rta - Gygas
52 - 12 points - spz - Striderblade
53 - 11 points - mnc - Mitschel
54 - 11 points - sh2 - BVBFabi09
55 - 11 points - pop - Don Como
56 - 11 points - rkb - Addearheart
57 - 11 points - mmx - Cutter Slade
58 - 11 points - ntl - Matt_Barber
59 - 11 points - gms - hellermarie
60 - 10 points - eab - TCD
61 - 10 points - hcg - teroknor
62 - 10 points - ftg - Destria
63 - 10 points - can - Dark Kariya
64 - 10 points - hcg - excelsior
65 - 10 points - rta - SinOfHeart
66 - 10 points - ntl - ReadytoShock
67 - 10 points - hcg - Son of Suzy Creamcheese
68 - 10 points - gpo - KHlover
69 - 10 points - gpo - Eddie
70 - 9 points - wtd - svenoble
71 - 9 points - gav - Cube
72 - 9 points - ftg - Cappy
73 - 9 points - ftg - Lurker
74 - 9 points - mtc - FunnyJay
75 - 9 points - sh2 - Vino
76 - 9 points - sh2 - FoxSpitzer
77 - 9 points - mnc - elementalMaster
78 - 9 points - rkb - Philippe161
79 - 8 points - f64 - Jammet
80 - 8 points - spz - Geddoe
81 - 8 points - rta - Blufunk
82 - 8 points - wtd - zoltan.schwegler
83 - 8 points - gpo - FireSmoke
84 - 8 points - mmx - Dnamei
85 - 8 points - rta - Bushmonkey
86 - 7 points - gms - hellifanboy
87 - 7 points - rtc - Elginmcqueen
88 - 7 points - rpg - D4rkD
89 - 7 points - ftg - RyanDS
90 - 7 points - gpo - Bully
91 - 7 points - gpo - Navarone
92 - 7 points - gav - Scorplian
93 - 7 points - f64 - flowerking
94 - 7 points - rkb - Kirika1987
95 - 7 points - mtc - QFNS
96 - 6 points - wtd - Rossyrg
97 - 6 points - wtd - jenoogle
98 - 6 points - f64 - Endurion
99 - 6 points - ntl - Dogorilla
100 - 6 points - sh2 - Bonz
101 - 6 points - mmx - Lynx
102 - 6 points - gpo - Gameproff
103 - 6 points - nto - 4C8en
104 - 5 points - hcg - snake
105 - 5 points - f64 - JPK64
106 - 5 points - smu - Mischief Maker
107 - 5 points - mmx - LittleChoco
108 - 5 points - cib - Elemental Master
109 - 5 points - rpg - Zion
110 - 5 points - sh2 - godzella
111 - 5 points - mmx - Shades
112 - 5 points - ata - Black_Tiger
113 - 4 points - eab - Mailman
114 - 4 points - nto - curlybird
115 - 4 points - pop - Daiyama
116 - 4 points - hcg - Alexmate
117 - 4 points - smu - Guigui
118 - 4 points - ata - JeremiahJT
119 - 3 points - m!g - Red XIII
120 - 3 points - ntl - StarPoint
121 - 3 points - pop - Puh
122 - 3 points - rtg - AlexH
123 - 2 points - pop - Sascha
124 - 2 points - gav - Yoshi
125 - 2 points - mnc - Arne
126 - 2 points - m!g - Kong
127 - 1 point - sh2 - the_joker2
128 - 1 point - rta - Bob

We have five winners with full points: Congratulations to the Dream-Team, Nayuta, Marek, EmmaDansTonU and The_Bach... you are all NUMBER ONE and share the first place. :)

For the other people in the top 20, please check out the big list above!


1 - 22 points - Valdien
2 - 18 points - Wibblewozzer
3 - 17 points - Parsnip
4 - 14 points - mssq
5 - 13 points - MegaApple
6 - 09 points - FunnyJay
7 - 07 points - QFNS

Congrats to Valdien for the local lead. :)

You have two people in the Top 20, but nobody from here got the bonus question right, what was going on there? ;)

Thanks to all for taking part and see you next time!


Just another Video Game Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2018

1 - 22 points - @Valdien
2 - 18 points - @Wibblewozzer
3 - 17 points - @Parsnip
4 - 14 points - @mssq
5 - 13 points - @MegaApple
6 - 09 points - @FunnyJay
7 - 07 points - @QFNS

Congrats to Valdien for the local lead. :)
Congrats to all!

Another excellent one. It's crazy how maps are integral to many games yet we forget about them.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
You have two people in the Top 20, but nobody from here got the bonus question right, what was going on there? ;)
It's been a very long time since I've seen Goonies. I probably haven't sat down and watched through it in 25+ years. Also, did you put that picture together yourself because I zoomed in thinking it was a movie but then noticed the fingers look like older 3D so I assumed it was from some FMV sort of cutscene in a game and didn't bother looking any further.

Still, really great category. It had some good challenge and nice variety. I am grumpy that I looked at Silent Service several times thinking maybe I was missing something and completely forgot about Silent Hunter. I also specifically looked up Midnight Club 3 feeling pretty certain it was that and completely forgot there was another after that on the next generation. I should have had that! Battle Engine Aquila I recognized, having seen screenshots and probably video before, but I didn't know it enough to have any strong direction to look to find it.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

August Quiz - DOS Classics #4

Did anyone notice that the new quiz went online yesterday? No? Well, this is the official announcement. :)

After the last round of "gaming maps" was a wild mix across all decades and systems, this month it will be 100% retro again. The fourth installment of the DOS classics is here, and that brings us back to the personal computers of the 80s and 90s, with their lowres pixel graphics and crude polygons.

Of course, some of the games are multiplatform titles, so our console & home computer fans won't be left completely empty-handed. :)

As a bonus question you may again wish for something, because while last year I unfortunately failed to create a "make-a-wish" puzzle due to sloppy planning, I promise you for 2022: The last quiz of the year is made by you!

But now back to the current round: Deadline is Wednesday 31 August, participation via Video Game Quiz - August - DOS Classics #4.

Here's the quiz, good luck:

Direct link: link


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
August Quiz - Clues #1

Heads up, there's SOMETHING TO BE WON - mods from the "Gaming Village" forum are offering a prize for the top 3, namely download codes for the latest version of game #1. :D

Thank you: Foren-Übersicht

Now back to the our usual program. :)
Just over thirty players so far and in many forums people are moaning "...but I don't know any DOS games!". And even if not all games have been recognised yet, I say: Don't worry, only six titles in this round are actual DOS exclusives, there are twelve games that were also released on the Amiga, and there are console ports of at least as many. I wonder if I could have said "no excuse" instead of "don't worry" ;)

If my words of encouragement are not enough, here are the first hints:

1) In title #2 you fly through mines on other planets & fight the local robots.
2) In the early 90s game #8 you travel through space & try to find allies in the uprising against nasty aliens who have enslaved humanity.
3) In #5 you ski, most people know the version for Windows.
4) There are several point & click graphic adventures in this round, e.g. #7. Known as a Windows game, but there is also a DOS demo of it.

Deadline is Wednesday 31st August, enter via Video Game Quiz - August - DOS Classics #4.

Here is the quiz again - good luck: link


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
August Quiz - Clues #2

Over fifty people are already playing - how about you? :) The answer rates are between 86% and 2%.... I hope to help the latter with this post, some titles are (without some classification to assist) once again very tricky.

Well then! Enough talk, here come the last hints:

1) The 19 is a DOS exclusive graphic adventure from the late 90s.
2) Action platformer #12, released only for DOS & Amiga, has two graffiti sprayers as protagonists.
3) Number 9 is a turn-based strategy game with mercenaries.
4) 13, 14 and 15 all have a "Stone Age" setting.

Deadline is Wednesday 31 August, enter via Video Game Quiz - August - DOS Classics #4

Here is the puzzle again - you can do it: link


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
August Quiz - last call

This is the last call, tomorrow the DOS Classics are over. Over 80 people are already playing, including just one from this forum.
Can we make it back to seven again? :)

How about it, Valdien Parsnip Wibblewozzer MegaApple mssq QFNS freshVeggie KainXVIII Mutant Strawberry or xxr ?
Don't forget, this time there's a price for the winners!

But now let's go: Deadline is tomorrow (Wednesday), enter via Video Game Quiz - August - DOS Classics #4.

Here's the quiz one last time: link


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Complete opposite for me. I only knew like four game names by sight but probably got like 10-12 with the help of hints and Googling around. But while I have general knowledge of older PC gaming I didn't really get into PC games until like 1999 or so.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

August Quiz - Answers & Score

Thirty players with 20+ points, and equally thirty people with 5 or less points.... perfectly balanced, as all things should be?
Winners of Commander Keen game vouchers will be contacted separately.

And where are you in the high score table? Scroll down and find out. :) Let's start with the scoring of the puzzle.... first the names of the games as text, then the pictures, then the award ceremony.

1) Commander Keen 4
Probably the most famous DOS platformer ever (with ports for Game Boy Color and Switch) - but it's slowly being forgotten.
Solution rate: 82%
Other suggestions: -

2) Descent 2
There was a Playstation port of this with new levels.
Solution rate: 69%
Other suggestions: Cybermage, Epic, Forsaken, Star Wars, Titan Wars

3) Jazz Jackrabbit
The most solved game of this round, we see the spin-off "1995 Holiday Hare".
Solving rate: 83%
Other suggestions: Bucky O'Hare, Flood, Banyou Banzai

4) Space Hulk
Any variant of "Star Crusade" or "Warhammer 40k" was accepted as a solution.
Solution rate: 76%
Other suggestions: Chaos Engine, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D

5) SkiFree
Upon further inspection, there probably was no DOS version... 🤔
Solution rate: 62%
Other suggestions: Ski or die, Ski Craze, Woodruff

6) Little Big Adventure
The adventures of Twinsen were also available on the Playstation.
Solution rate: 71%
Other suggestions: Little Big Planet, Runescape, Ultima, Zork

7) Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth.
This is not the Gobliiins series, even though the games had a very similar graphic style.
Solution rate: 39%
Other suggestions: 18x Gobliiins, Day of the Tentacle, Adventure's Planet, Bubba n Stix

8.) Star Control 2
Some players had wanted this title for a long time - let's go into battle against the Ur-Quan!
Solution rate: 47%
Other suggestions: Elite, Master of Orion, Space Quest, Star Trek, Starflight 2, Xcom UFO Defense, Xenon

9) Jagged Alliance
Solution rate: 45%
Other suggestions: 6x Warcraft, Albion, Battleground, Cannon Fodder, Command & Conquer, Deadly Games, The Settlers 1, Dune 2, Fallout, GTA, Merchanents, Sid Meier's Pirates, War Inc

10) Space Quest 2
Solving rate: 55%
Other suggestions: 4x Kings Quest, Leisure suit Larry, Flashback, Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Prince of Persia, space janitor, The Black Cauldron, Wizardry

11) Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Well, where is she? Two thirds of you have found her!
Solution rate: 65%
Other suggestions: Indiana Jones, Indian Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Laura Bow, Sam and Max

12) Yo! Joe!
Solution rate: 35%
Other suggestions: Blues Brothers, Magic Pocket, Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon, Trolls

13) the Humans
Stone Age #1
Solution rate: 48%
Other suggestions: Big Nose the Caveman, Caveman, Caveman Ugh-Lympics, Toki

14) Prehistoric
Stone Age #2
Solution rate: 62%
Other suggestions: Chuck Rock, Caveman, Humans, Joe & Mac, Lemmings

15) Ugh!
Stone Age #3
Solution rate: 40%
Other suggestions: Lemmings, Little Big Adventure, Stone Age

16) Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon
Solution rate: 56%
Other suggestions: 7x Toonstruck, Sam & Max, Moon Mania, Rayman, sega rally

17) D/Generation
Solution rate: 41%
Other suggestions: Space Quest, Star Trek

18.) Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed
Were there any other sci-fi RPGs with the Goldbox engine?
Solution rate: 32%
Other suggestions: Pools of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Dungeons & Dragons, Bio Menace, Ghoul Patrol, Sunset Riders, Tegel's Mercenaries

19) Sign of the Sun
The hardest game of this round, a rather mediocre adventure game from 1997.
Solving rate: 8%
Other suggestions: Quest for Glory, Baldur's Gate, Chronicles of the Sword, Chronomaster, Kings Quest, Bard's Tale, Daggerfall, Defender of the Crown, Dragon Lore 2, Dune, Ecstatica, Fable, Fallout, Hell, I have no mouth and I must scream, Silver, Talisman, Tower of Souls

20) Boppin'
Solution rate: 26%
Other suggestions: Chex Quest, Cool Spot, Gabriel knight 3, Zool

21) Battle Chess
No RPG, just chess. :)
Solving rate: 50%
Other suggestions: 7x Kings Quest, Ultima, Defender of the Crown

22) Gorillas.bas
Solution rate: 48%
Other suggestions: California games, King Kong, Superman

23) Innocent until Caught
The sequel "Guilty" also gave the full point.
Solution rate: 23%
Other suggestions: 10x Beneath a Steel Sky, Gabriel Knight, Full Throttle, Terminator, Dalek Attack, Dreamweb

24) Ravenloft: Stone Prophet
Solution rate: 26%
Other suggestions: Dune, Albion, Barbarian, Daggerfall, Final Fantasy, Full Throttle, Magic Carpet, Mdk, Might & Magic, Outlaws, Space Harrier, Ultima

25) Test Drive 2 - the duel
The baby from the difficulty setting - not exactly easy!
Solution rate: 10%
Other suggestions: Indy Heat, Chav Racer, Commander Keen, Crystal Caves, Ferrari Formula One, Grand Prix Cricuit, Offroad, Outrun, Pit Stop II, Speed Racer, Superkarts

Here is the quiz picture again, followed by the answers:

Answer picture:

Direct link: link


01 - 25 points - rta - Marek
02 - 25 points - spz - The_BACH
03 - 25 points - mnc - East-West Elite
04 - 25 points - mtc - KainXVIII
05 - 24 points - mmx - Nayuta
06 - 24 points - mmx - Knuckles
07 - 24 points - mmx - fedprod
08 - 23 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
09 - 23 points - can - Dark Kariya
10 - 23 points - spz - Striderblade
11 - 23 points - gsg - TheLastToKnow
12 - 23 points - ntl - lifer
13 - 23 points - rta - EarthPainting
14 - 23 points - mnc - Mangamaniac2171
15 - 23 points - rpg - Calastellio
16 - 23 points - mnc - Andy1977
17 - 22 points - eab - Little Havie
18 - 22 points - hcg - windfish
19 - 22 points - hcg - teroknor
20 - 22 points - smu - Herr Schatten

21 - 22 points - gsg - partykiller
22 - 22 points - mnc - Dream Team
23 - 21 points - gms - kopyright
24 - 21 points - eab - Havie
25 - 21 points - eab - TheCyberDruid
26 - 21 points - gpo - DocMoody
27 - 21 points - eab - darkwave
28 - 20 points - eab - Nobby_UK
29 - 20 points - sh2 - Vino
30 - 19 points - eab - gimbal
31 - 19 points - mtc - FunnyJay
32 - 17 points - hcg - excelsior
33 - 17 points - mmx - Dnamei
34 - 17 points - rta - malus
35 - 17 points - ftg - Destria
36 - 17 points - gav - Wizdom
37 - 17 points - ftg - rwklau
38 - 16 points - f64 - Endurion
39 - 16 points - mtc - Valdien
40 - 16 points - rtc - ElginMcQueen
41 - 16 points - hcg - dsparil
42 - 16 points - ftg - DeekyFun
43 - 16 points - ata - jgkspsx
44 - 16 points - cib - LockeBoss
45 - 16 points - smu - drauch
46 - 15 points - eab - Mailman
47 - 15 points - hcg - Woody Alien
48 - 15 points - mnc - PaulBearer
49 - 15 points - rtg - Chinnico
50 - 15 points - rtc - Antiriad2097
51 - 14 points - ntl - Matt_Barber
52 - 14 points - mtc - Wibblewozzer
53 - 13 points - gpo - FireSmoke
54 - 13 points - mnc - elementalMaster
55 - 13 points - sh2 - FoxSpitzer
56 - 13 points - hcg - Son of Suzy Creamcheese
57 - 13 points - rta - Illusionary
58 - 13 points - sh2 - Bonz
59 - 12 points - gms - j1m
60 - 12 points - m!g - Greg
61 - 12 points - hcg - personman
62 - 12 points - rtg - markopoloman
63 - 12 points - ntl - bunkerneath
64 - 12 Points - hcg - Alexmate
65 - 12 Points - gms - kanedat
66 - 12 points - pop - Don Como
67 - 12 points - mtc - MegaApple
68 - 11 points - wtd - Rossyrg
69 - 11 points - mtc - Parsnip
70 - 11 points - mnc - HomiSite
71 - 10 points - f64 - Rockford
72 - 10 points - smu - Mischief Maker
73 - 10 points - m!g - geohound
74 - 10 points - rta - *Splinter
75 - 10 points - mmx - LittleChoco
76 - 09 points - gpo - Bully
77 - 09 points - nto - Curly
78 - 09 points - f64 - ZeHa
79 - 09 points - ftg - Destria
80 - 09 points - gpo - Eddie
81 - 09 points - rkb - Philippe161
82 - 09 points - mmx - Cutter Slade
83 - 08 points - sh2 - godzella
84 - 08 points - spz - Geddoe
85 - 08 points - rpg - Fyrchtegott
86 - 08 points - f64 - Jammet
87 - 08 Points - nto - 4C8en
88 - 08 points - can - M.Rick75
89 - 07 points - ftg - wuntyate
90 - 07 points - gms - Schneitzel
91 - 07 points - gms - Bianco
92 - 07 points - f64 - Joystick
93 - 07 points - ntl - Late
94 - 07 points - gpo - MessorTorvus
95 - 07 points - mtc - QFNS
96 - 06 points - rtg - necronom
97 - 06 points - mnc - Biberle
98 - 06 points - m!g - Red XIII
99 - 06 points - off - Qual der Wal
100 - 6 points - rta - SinOfHeart
101 - 6 points - mmx - Klunky
102 - 6 points - gpo - KHlover
103 - 6 points - ftg - LockeTribal
104 - 6 points - mtc - freshVeggie
105 - 5 points - mmx - Lynx
106 - 5 points - mnc - Mitschel
107 - 5 points - rkb - Addearheart
108 - 5 points - pop - Sascha
109 - 5 points - wtd - svenoble
110 - 5 points - rkb - ToniLustig
111 - 5 points - rpg - Zion
112 - 5 points - gms - hellermarie
113 - 4 points - rkb - salversurfer
114 - 4 points - pop - daiyama
115 - 4 points - rkb - flof1ghterLegend
116 - 3 points - rkb - BobvonKrakauerzuSenf
117 - 3 points - gpo - Konsolomio
118 - 3 points - cib - Retro_Willie
119 - 3 points - ntl - Dogorilla
120 - 3 points - gav - Rippi
121 - 3 points - cib - Elemental Master
122 - 3 points - gav - Scorplian
123 - 3 points - mmx - Shades
124 - 3 points - gav - Yoshi
125 - 3 points - rpg - D4rkD
126 - 3 points - gpo - Navarone
127 - 2 points - rkb - DSOP_ape
128 - 2 points - cib - Sectorchan
129 - 1 points - rpg - Moons.of.Kandar
130 - 1 points - m!g - Kong
131 - 1 points - mnc - Arne
132 - 1 points - sh2 - BVBFabi09
133 - 1 points - gpo - GAMEPROFF
134 - 1 points - gms - hellifanboy
135 - 1 points - gpo - Rave
136 - 0 points - smu - Guigui
137 - 0 points - cib - tharathiel
138 - 0 points - gpo - OutOfBounds

So then, award ceremony: Congratulations to Marek, The_BACH, East-West Elite and KainXVIII... you all got FULL POINTS and won this round!

Scroll up if you want to see the other players in the top 20. :)


1 - 25 points - KainXVIII
2 - 19 points - FunnyJay
3 - 16 points - Valdien
4 - 14 points - Wibblewozzer
5 - 12 points - MegaApple
6 - 11 points - Parsnip
7 - 07 points - QFNS
8 - 06 points - freshVeggie

Congrats to KainXVIII for the local and global lead. :)

Thanks to everyone for participating!
Last edited:


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

September Quiz - First Person Shooters

I'm not on time, normally a new quiz starts on the tenth day of a month at the latest... but here we go: right hand on the mouse, left hand on WASD? Or would you rather use the analogue sticks on the controller?

No matter how you prefer to shoot your pixels at other pixels, this month we're looking at video games in a very particular way - via the barrels & crosshairs of assault rifles, plasma cannons and rocket launchers. Ready, aim, fire? :)

Deadline is Friday 30 September, enter via Video Game Quiz - September - First Person Shooters

Here's the quiz:

Direct link


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Maybe because of the sheer number of options in this category I'm barely recognizing any of the games above. Sure, I know the top row but that's nearly it. And I have a feeling this also will mean Google won't be kind this month as there's a ton of first person games and I know it's going to focus on only the most popular stuff as I try to figure stuff out.

Oh well, we'll see how it goes in the end.


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
September Quiz - Clues #1

The first 35 players have sent in their entries to identify the twentyfive games we are looking for.... No doubt a lot of first-person shooters were released between 1988 and 2023, so this round probably won't be a walk in the park. I wonder how high your answer rate will be? :)

Here are the first clues:

1) In title number 8, there are always four players.
2) Games 4 and 6 were developed by a pioneer of the fps genre.
3) Picture 7 shows a game that was only released for Xbox and Windows.
4) And last, #11 is a "near sci-fi" entry of a well-known series.

Deadline is Friday 30th September, enter via Video Game Quiz - September - First Person Shooters

Here's the quiz again - good luck! link


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
Need hint for number 25...

...because it looks like a waffle with eyes!

Got 23/25 so far, though.
Oh, I thought #25 was a gimme. Unless I'm wrong on what I think it is that feels like one that'll have a really high percentage of right answers.
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Reactions: Mr_Horizon


Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
Oh, I thought #25 was a gimme. Unless I'm wrong on what I think it is that feels like one that'll have a really high percentage of right answers.
Same. I frequently don't get many of the answers in these and I knew that one immediately. Maybe we're just weird though. LOL
  • Like
Reactions: Mr_Horizon


✵ Chaos! ✵
Mar 26, 2020
Oh, I thought #25 was a gimme. Unless I'm wrong on what I think it is that feels like one that'll have a really high percentage of right answers.
Same. I frequently don't get many of the answers in these and I knew that one immediately. Maybe we're just weird though. LOL
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I'm only kidding, of course. :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye:


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
Oh, I thought #25 was a gimme. Unless I'm wrong on what I think it is that feels like one that'll have a really high percentage of right answers.
The answer rate for #25 is currently at 34%, make of that what you will. :) I am very curious how high it'll be in the end, given it's assumed to be well-known but definitely niche at the same time as well. Probably harder for younger players, too. 🤷‍♂️
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Reactions: QFNS and lashman


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
September Quiz - Clues #2

Fifty players are already in this round, in a first person shooter that would be a pretty wild death match. The deadline is in a week - don't forget to join in! :)

Here come the second and final clues:

1) Only 15, 16, 17, 19 and 20 (plus two from the bottom line) are platform exclusive, the rest are available on several devices.
2) Game 14 is the console port of one of the very first multiplayer fps ever.
3) Number 12 is a licensed game based on a movie: you don't just shoot from the fps perspective, you also drive.
4) Numbers 15 and 16 are console games.

Deadline is Friday 30 September, enter via Video Game Quiz - September - First Person Shooters.

Here is the quiz again - good luck: link
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Reactions: Parsnip and lashman


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019
September Quiz - this round ends on Friday

Attention folks, there's no weekend this week - the September quiz will be over at midnight on Friday! There are already almost eighty people playing, of which two are from this forum. Can we get it any higher? :)

Between one point and a full score we got every kind of entry, and a top 20 position is already available from 16 points.... so no more hesitation -Valdien Parsnip Wibblewozzer FunnyJay mssq freshVeggie KainXVIII Mutant Strawberry xxr Ruvon - join in, you only have 48 hours left!

Deadline is Friday the 30th of September, participation via Video Game Quiz - September - First Person Shooters.

Here is the quiz - one last time: link


your host for tonight
Apr 1, 2019

September Quiz - Answers & Score

126 players confirm it for me - there really are a hell of a lot of first-person shooters out there, and I could create two more puzzles from this round's incorrect submissions alone! I wonder which game in this round was the most guessed? One of the heavyweights of the shooter scene perhaps, so Halo, Doom, Quake or Half-Life? Nah, it's a newcomer that's not even ten years old. Scroll down and see for yourself which one it is. :)

Briefly on the bonus question - the background video is a really old Windows screensaver, called "3D Maze". 53% of you guessed that correctly too! There was no bonus point because some of the answers were a bit vague and I didn't want to be unfair.

But now let's start with the answers... first the names of the games as text, then the pictures, then the high score.

1) Halo 3
You got all the Halos wildly mixed up, but it's actually a picture from the third part.
Answer rate: 85%
Other suggestions: Destiny, Haze, Splitgate

2) Superhot: Mind Control Delete
The third entry of the stylish fps with the cool time control feature, and also the most guessed game of this round!
Answer rate: 92%
Other suggestions: Killer 7, Superliminal

3) Team Fortress 2
Who still remembers Valve's "Orange Box"?
Answer rate: 90%
Other suggestions: 4x Serious Sam, Borderlands, Fortnite, XIII

4) Quake 3 Arena
Maybe the answer rate would have been higher if I had taken the Sarge with the cigar as an opponent and not the funny eye?
Answer rate: 67%
Other suggestions: Daikatana, Doom, Serious Sam, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Duke Nukem Land of the Babes, Fortnite, Silent Hill The Escape, The Legs have Eyes

5) Half Life: Blue Shift
This version of the Half Life story was even available for the Sega Dreamcast!
Answer rate: 91%
Other suggestions: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, System Shock 2

6) Doom Eternal: the ancient gods 2.
The "Dark Lord", final boss in the second DLC to Doom Eternal.
Answer rate: 65%
Other suggestions: 5x Destiny, Daikatana, Gobots, Metal Hellsinger, Painkiller, Unreal, Warhammer 40k

7) Titanfall
Even before Apex Legends, Titanfall Assault and Titanfall 2 - this game kicked it all off in 2014. Why did you guess "Gears of War" so often?
Answer rate: 42%
Other suggestions: 17x Gears of War, Armoured core, Halo, Hawken, Killzone, Resistance, Unreal Tournament

8.) left 4 dead 2
Answer rate: 48%
Other suggestions: Serious Sam, Back 4 Blood, Far Cry, Gears of War, Bioshock, Call of chtullu, dead island, Goblin Commander, GTFO, Killing Floor 2, Rage, The hunchback of Notre dame, The Thing, Unreal Tournament

9) Wolfenstein: The New Order
The double assault rifle combo immediately reminds me of the new Wolfensteins.
Answer rate: 54%
Other suggestions: Fallout, Resistance: Fall of Man, singularity, The Darkness

10) Dusk
Answer rate: 49%
Other suggestions: Witches, Medal of Honor, Painkiller, Blood, Clive Barker's Undying, Daikatana, Quake, SiN, Unreal

11) Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
This is the CoD with Kevin Spacey as the villain.
Answer rate: 44%
Other suggestions: 5x Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Prey, Battlefield, Cyberpunk, Titanfall, Apex Legends, Bioshock Infinite, Crysis, Dead Space, Destiny.
Half Life: Alyx, Haze, Portal, Quake 4, The Persistance

12) RoboCop 3
The technically "ambitious" adaptation of a bad film for home computers (Amiga, Atari, DOS).
Answer rate: 35%
Other suggestions: The Matrix, Terminator, Siphon Filter, MIDI Maze, Killer 7, John Wick Hex, James Bond 007, Die Hard

13) Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel
Answer rate: 56%
Other suggestions: Titanfall, Bulletstorm, Mechwarrior, Metal Gundam, Project Warlock

14) Faceball 2000
Away from consoles, also known as "Midi Maze".
Answer rate: 41%
Other suggestions: Gremlins, Maze War

15) Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Controversial fps for the 3DS.
Answer rate: 49%
Other suggestions: Halo, Gundum Evolution, Overwatch, Speedball 3

16) Battle Frenzy
Released exclusively for the Mega Drive, also known as Bloodshot.
Answer rate: 28%
Other suggestions: 9x Terminator, 6x Zero Tolerance, 4x Robocop, Alien Syndrome

17) Behind the Iron Gate
The first Amiga exclusive game of this round, a cumbersome fps that is almost devoid of textures for performance reasons.
Answer rate: 18%
Other suggestions: 5x Star Wars, Mech Warrior, Alien Trilogy, Master Spy, Nuclear Blast, Starbucks, Substation, System Shock 2

18.) The Colony
The oldest game of this round (80s), here the version for the Apple Macintosh.
Answer rate: 20%
Other suggestions: Antichamber, Maze War, Sega Rally

19) Forgive me Father
A Lovecraft-inspired modern shooter with an interesting graphics style.
Answer rate: 25%
Other suggestions: 6x XIII, 6x Borderlands, Mad world, Rage 2, Red Steel, The Darkness, Walking Dead, ZPC

20) Breathless
The second Amiga exclusive game, graphically and gameplay-wise already much closer to Doom than #17.
Answer rate: 18%
Other suggestions: Star Wars Dark Forces, Rise of the Triad, Butt shooter, Marathon, Po'ed, Rebel Moon rising, Zero Tolerance

21) Corporation
Answer rate: 22%
Other suggestions: Catacomb 3-D, Descent, Marathon, Mechwarrior, Transformers

22) Red Faction
A port of Red Faction...for the Nokia N-Gage!
Answer rate: 28%
Other suggestions: Quake, C&C Renegade, Gunman Chronicle, Killzone, Marathon, Opposing Force, Robocop, Shogo: MAD, Soldier of Fortune, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

23) Forbes Corporate Warrior
A really weird first person shooter and the most difficult game of this round.
Answer rate: 13%
Other suggestions: 4x Tron, MissionX, System Shock 2, Virtual Nightmare, Virtual Reality

24) Dread
A Doom clone for home computers (Amiga & Atari) coming out next year, with phenomenally low hardware requirements (A500 with 7MhZ & 1 MB Ram). video link
Answer rate: 17%
Other suggestions: 11x Doom, 6x Duke Nukem, 6x Wolfenstein, 4x Rise of the Triad, Gloom, Avenging Angel, Dark Forces

25) Chex Quest
It's not a waffle, it's a breakfast cereal! The game had its beginning as a promotional CD of a cereal box and was then continued several times.
Answer rate: 32%
Other suggestions: Bernd the Bread, Duke Nukem 3D, Minecraft, Birdseye potatoe waffles, The Evil Waffle, Egg Waffle Killer, Waffle Wars

Here is the quiz picture again, followed by the answers:

Answer picture:

Direct link


01 - 25 points - rta - EarthPainting
01 - 25 points - rta - Marek
01 - 25 points - eab - Nobby_UK
01 - 25 points - eab - Little Havie
01 - 25 points - eab - Havie
01 - 25 points - mnc - Mangamaniac
01 - 25 points - mmx - Nayuta
01 - 25 points - spz - Striderblade
01 - 25 points - ntl - lifer
01 - 25 points - spz - The_BACH
11 - 24 points - mnc - East West Elite
12 - 24 points - mnc - Gerhard S.
13 - 24 points - mnc - Dreamteam
14 - 23 points - mtc - Valdien
15 - 21 points - gsg - TheLastToKnow
16 - 21 points - rta - Illusionary
17 - 20 points - rtu - Antiriad2097
18 - 20 points - gpo - DocMoody
19 - 20 points - mmx - Knuckles
20 - 19 points - rpg - Fyrchtegott

21 - 18 points - can - Dark Kariya
22 - 18 points - gsg - partykiller
23 - 18 points - gpo - KHlover
24 - 18 points - mtc - Wibblewozzer
25 - 18 points - hcg - dsparil
26 - 17 points - gav - Wizdom
27 - 17 points - gms - hellermarie
28 - 16 points - eab - darkwave
29 - 16 points - gms - kopyright
30 - 16 points - mtc - Parsnip
31 - 16 points - ntl - Matt_Barber
32 - 16 points - gms - j1m
33 - 15 points - rtu - Chinnico
34 - 15 points - gpo - Gameproff
35 - 15 points - rta - malus
36 - 14 points - ftg - Lizard
37 - 14 points - ftg - RumMonkey
38 - 14 points - cib - LockeBoss
39 - 14 points - sh2 - BVBFabi09
40 - 14 points - mtc - MegaApple
41 - 13 points - hcg - windfish
42 - 13 points - mmx - fedprod
43 - 13 points - ata - jgkspsx
44 - 13 points - sh2 - Vino
45 - 13 points - mmx - Klunky
46 - 13 points - hcg - personman
47 - 13 points - mtc - mssq
48 - 12 points - gpo - Konsolomio
49 - 12 points - gpo - MessorTorvus
50 - 12 points - rpg - D4rkD
51 - 11 points - mnc - Mitschel
52 - 11 points - rpg - Zion
53 - 10 points - mnc - elementalMaster
54 - 10 points - eab - Mailman
55 - 10 points - mtc - FunnyJay
56 - 10 points - ftg - rwklau
57 - 10 points - f64 - Jammet
58 - 10 points - spz - Geddoe
59 - 10 points - rta - knightnawk
60 - 10 points - gms - KellogsFrosties
61 - 10 points - rta - Blufunk
62 - 10 points - gms - RC2225
63 - 10 points - hcg - Apollo Chungus
64 - 10 points - ftg - Rhaegyr
65 - 10 points - ntl - ReadytoShock
66 - 10 points - ftg - LockeTribal
67 - 09 points - rtu - necronom
68 - 09 points - pop - dixip
69 - 09 points - gpo - Eddie
70 - 09 points - gpo - rave
71 - 09 points - mnc - HomiSite
72 - 09 points - nto - 4C8en
73 - 08 points - gav - Cube
74 - 08 points - mtc - freshVeggie
75 - 08 points - wtd - jenoogle
76 - 08 points - rta - *Splinter
77 - 08 points - mmx - Cutter Slade
78 - 07 points - sh2 - godzella
79 - 07 points - gms - Schneitzel
80 - 07 points - rta - SinOfHeart
81 - 07 points - rkb - Grandhanate
82 - 07 points - rtc - ElginMcQueen
83 - 07 points - pop - Don Como
84 - 07 points - rkb - DSOP_ape
85 - 07 points - rta - Gygas
86 - 07 points - mtc - QFNS
87 - 07 points - rkb - BobvonKrakauerzuSenf
88 - 07 points - rkb - flof1ghterLegend
89 - 07 points - rkb - Philippe161
90 - 06 points - rta - Aldo
91 - 06 points - m!g - Red XIII
92 - 06 points - gpo - Bully
93 - 06 points - ntl - Dogorilla
94 - 06 points - spz - Kal1m3r0
95 - 06 points - ntl - StarPoint
96 - 06 points - gav - Rippi
97 - 06 points - mmx - Dnamei
98 - 06 points - gms - hellifanboy
99 - 06 points - rtc - StayAwhile
100 - 6 points - smu - Mischief Maker
101 - 6 points - cib - IchoTolot
102 - 5 points - sh2 - FoxSpitzer
103 - 5 points - nto - Ande
104 - 5 points - rkb - FolderOfDoom
105 - 5 points - ftg - Destria
106 - 5 points - gpo - Navarone
107 - 5 points - ntl - Bunkerneath
108 - 5 points - mnc - Klees
109 - 4 points - mnc - Yeboah17
110 - 4 points - rkb - salversurfer
111 - 4 points - mmx - Lynx
112 - 4 points - gpo - FireSmoke
113 - 4 points - pop - Sascha
114 - 4 points - wtd - svenoble
115 - 3 points - cib - Elemental Master
116 - 3 points - gav - Yoshi
117 - 3 points - m!g - Kong
118 - 3 points - gav - Scorplian
119 - 3 points - sh2 - the_joker2
120 - 3 points - pop - Daiyama
121 - 3 points - mnc - Arne
122 - 2 points - hcg - snake
123 - 2 points - pop - PUH
124 - 2 points - sh2 - Neo_SUC
125 - 1 points - cib - tharathiel
126 - 1 points - mmx - LittleChoco

ata - Atari Age
can - PC Canard
cib - Circuit Board
eab - English Amiga Board
f64 - Forum64
ftg - fontgeek
gav - Gaming Village
gms - Gamestar
gpo - Gamepro
gsg - Gamersglobal
hcg - hardcore gaming 101
m!g - Man!iac
mmx - Multimediaxis
mnc - old maniac
mtc - Metacouncil
ntl - NintendoLife
nto - NTower
pop - Powerplay
rkb - Rocket Beans
rpg - RPG Maker
rta - ResetEra
rtc - RetroCanteen
sh2 - Shock²
smu - Shmups
spz - Spazio PC
wtd - Wasted


1 - 23 points - Valdien
2 - 18 points - Wibblewozzer
3 - 16 points - Parsnip
4 - 14 points - MegaApple
5 - 13 points - mssq
6 - 10 points - FunnyJay
7 - 08 points - freshVeggie
8 - 07 points - QFNS

Congratulations to Valdien for the local & global lead. :)

And thanks to all for playing!


✵ Chaos! ✵
Mar 26, 2020
25) Chex Quest
It's not a waffle, it's a breakfast cereal! The game had its beginning as a promotional CD of a cereal box and was then continued several times.
Answer rate: 32%
Other suggestions: Bernd the Bread, Duke Nukem 3D, Minecraft, Birdseye potatoe waffles, The Evil Waffle, Egg Waffle Killer, Waffle Wars
I guess I'm not the only one who thought it was a waffle. :p

Regarding The Colony; at first I thought it was a modernish game, but nope! It was released in 1988. Technically impressive for its time.