Community Gaming Screenshots 2019

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Oct 19, 2018
All Pictures from Total Warhammer 2

Can I post a gif?
Awesome and yea gifs can be used but not to heavy preferable screens but i know gifs are epic at times too.

My shots won't come anywhere close to a lot of others in this thread, especially stuff from jim2point0 and The Queen. Their stuff is mind blowing.

But I'll try to stay active and hopefully provide some decent shots. Here's a few from Monster Hunter World to get started.

Actually really good screens, honestly we accept all screens here once you start it becomes addictive and it honestly comes naturally.

And yayyy new faces too


Dec 24, 2018
Some more No Mans' Sky.
The Vulkan update is nice. Being able to change resolution without restarting the game is great. The creative mode also gives you a relatively hassle free way to play. But after a couple hours I still find myself getting tired of the routine. So here's a few more shots. Now... onto the next game.


Big old image dump album of more NMS stuff.
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Dec 24, 2018
damn, they've really added A LOT of stuff since release
I didn't even get into the base building aspect of it. Not that I'm very creative with that sort of thing. But the game never got around to explaining how to do it. You can even build bases that go underwater. I only tried 2 of the vehicles (the bike and the rover type thing)... but those were pretty fantastic for just traversing. And you can always recall a ship to wherever you are which makes exploration a lot less hassle. If they could have come up with a semi-interesting gameplay loop, it would be amazing. But as it is, all you can really do is gather materials.
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