I knew folks had been restoring online modes and stuff accessible via real Dreamcast browsers/games but I read they also restored the Crazy Taxi 2 "Another Day" DLC, I investigated a bit and wow, there's quite a bit of DLC for various games. I knew there were PSO missions and other random crap like but there's also good stuff like a ton of Samba de Amigo tracks, courses for 4x4 Evolution (crappy game & port but still), cars for Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2, a new ship and modes of play for Giga Wing, a bonus character for Dynamite Cop and all kinds of other cool stuff. Some of it may only apply on certain game versions (so it was either included by default or disabled altogether in other regions I guess) but yeah, still cool. There are 3 new Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram playable virtuaroids too!
The largest archive of Sega Dreamcast DLC on the internet!
There's some useless stuff (I don't think many want the MSR challenges & trials given how much it repeats, I played it more recently then resorted to skimming a longplay and wow is it drab & now way down my list of great DC racers, I'd rather have "too little content" 3 track arcade style stuff over this bs) but still, neat.