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Junior Member
Jan 9, 2019
I hope open world games are just a trend like military shooters or at least have more crazy elements like Infamous and Prototype. Kinda worrying that most AAA games I've seen are open world that have this combination of item progression and RPG stats these days. It's fun but it gets kinda samey.
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Oct 31, 2018
For me The Witcher 3 is in the same boat as AC/Skyrim. The combat is uninteresting and getting items isn't a big deal. TW3 I played 60+ hours before giving up at least.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Was kinda hyped for Div2, but then EGS exclusivity happened. Now I wait for a Steam version to eventually come out or something. Really don't feel like adding payment info to Uplay.
unfortunately i don't think this is going to happen ... even 12 months later :(

I hope open world games are just a trend like military shooters or at least have more crazy elements like Infamous and Prototype. Kinda worrying that most AAA games I've seen are open world that have this combination of item progression and RPG stats these days. It's fun but it gets kinda samey.
they're doing it because that's what sells ... and they'll keep doing it until it stops

that's what AAA has been doing for like a decade now - keep doing the same thing over and over ... unless some indie or small project becomes wildly successful - then jump on that and hook that cashcow up to the milking machine
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Oct 31, 2018
Speaking of open world, I just started AC:Origins. It is alright so far. Though I have questions. Can you get every skill? When assassinating someone, how long do they lay there slowly dying? lol

Also I can't tell which area is restricted. Also do you need to get the "0/3 treasure chests" before completing a side quest in that "restricted" zone?


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Speaking of open world, I just started AC:Origins. It is alright so far. Though I have questions. Can you get every skill? When assassinating someone, how long do they lay there slowly dying? lol

Also I can't tell which area is restricted. Also do you need to get the "0/3 treasure chests" before completing a side quest in that "restricted" zone?
1. Yes.
2. What do you mean?
3. No.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
A bit late on the main discussion, but Wolfenstein 1 was my GOTY (or in contention for it, can't remember). I beat it and instantly started another playthrough because it was so fun. Even Old Blood I mostly enjoyed, it was a spin off and felt like it. Wolfenstein 2 I had to force myself to finish, and I skipped most of the optional stuff (which I would have loved to have in 1). The only things it adds that 1 didn't have, the quick saves and the side missions, are mostly lost amidst the absolutely worse everything else.

  • Level design, most have mentioned, is a huge step back. The combat encounters are less dynamic, more finicky, and railroad you a lot more
  • Mechanics - even on lower difficulties, the game is a lot more lethal. I finished 1 on the hardest setting and Wolf 2 a couple steps below that and Wolf 2 felt more "bullshit" the entire way through. They also either intentionally or unintentionally made the pickup radius for health / armor / etc. about 3 pixels wide instead of what it was in 1, which means you spend a lot of time looking at the ground hitting the pickup button instead of watching and shooting at enemies.
  • In addition to the level design being worse from a gameplay perspective, the sets are just utterly bland. I was excited to see what their take on a conquered America would be, but the single level you can tell where you are is the parade one from the trailers, which is tiny. Everything else is generic brown and grey ruins or some mechanical thing like in 1. Feels like a hugely wasted opportunity.
  • There isn't as much heart or depth to the story, characters, or enemies compared to 1. You could overhear enemy conversations in 1 and get a feeling for what they were like, and how some of them were just ordinary shmucks in a situation trying to make the best of it.

I'd love to believe the next one is going to be better, but the fact they never really fixed the mechanical issues in 2 means I definitely won't order it before a ton of reviews are out, and probably it goes on sale, if even then. This is coming from someone who has played and enjoyed Just Cause 2-4 and the Tomb Raider reboots so not like I'm pretentious :p


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I really appreciate how nice Ace Attorney looks on PC, it's pretty evident that they touched up almost all the backgrounds and added details to them. The only silly looking part so far is the court "pan out" screen, where everything looks washed out, but besides that everything else is great.

It's also nice to go over the old cases in the first two Ace Attorneys, I forgot so many details, like how Mia literally helps you investigate throughout an entire day. . Phoenix would be such a useless lawyer without supernatural help.
It really is great. I think the redone art has its own charms and still true to its roots. (characters) Mia and Adrian looks especially stunning so I'm happy. Also the game is running on Unity engine which I have a sort of love/hate relationship with (I had framepacing issues in Battletech/Shadow Tactics, for example), but I have no issues at all in this game. Perhaps Unity is great for VN games and not much else.

Finished Turnabout Samurai yesterday, one of the most boring cases from the two AAs I played from what I remember, now comes one of the best though! Also spend this morning playing Forager, what a fun game. Time flies when playing it.
(case name) Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4) was probably my favourite Samurai-related case so far. The twist and turns, Phoenix vs. Edgeworth back-and-forth in it was remarkable. It's a rather grim dark case as well. Phoenix's internal struggle and the final resolution was pretty great too.

Dunno about bans, but a lot of former lurkers came out when the thread slowed down. Maybe some weird sense of duty to keep it alive lol.
It's funny, after I got perma'd I thought I'll be having trouble letting go since I normally check that site religiously in the past. But surprisingly, I don't feel the need to check even just the front page.


Robot on the inside
Dec 6, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
To counter the above reply I'll say that I liked Wolfenstein 2 more than Wolfenstein 1. Most of the people that talk about the game treat it like it's utter shit when if anything it might be more apt to say Wolfenstein 1 was a 9/10 and the sequel was an 8/10. Which means it's still a very good game. It doesn't nail everything, and some of the complaints I can see but I also don't see as affecting the quality much, but overall it's a very good time. I had an easier time sticking to Wolfenstein 2 and finishing it over the time I had in Wolfenstein 1, which I also really enjoyed.

Outside of a couple large difficulty spikes due to the fighting arena being too open with overly strong enemies I thought the level design was still good, albeit maybe not as good as the previous game. The main difference for me is that there's less focus on secrets as the first game had quite a lot of hidden areas and nooks and crannies. When getting in combat you still commonly had large areas with multiple directions to run around (and for enemies to flank you, which happens often).

The story was just as entertaining for me. It's not as grounded (for this universe) with it going a bit extra bonkers but they stick to it with such earnestness that I think it worked pretty well and I loved seeing what came next.

My main complaint is they add a new gameplay element that changes how you play and it gives you an option suggesting what you pick will have drastic differences. I only played through once but it appeared these differences would be extremely minor yet I still enjoyed goofing off with my selected option.

My only other complaint I can think of is that I found it a bit harder to stealth in this one compared to the previous game. I'm not sure if I simply played differently, AI was changed to make it tougher, or if the placement of the commanders simply made it more difficult but I recall sneaking around a ton in the first game and getting a lot of stealth kills and in this one I got caught attempting to much more frequently. Might also be a larger amount of enemies that couldn't be taken down by stealth? Not sure.

I think if you go into Wolfenstein 2 not thinking, "This is probably worse than the first game" but instead go in more open to just having a great action FPS with a ridiculous story they really stick to you'll probably find a great time.

Just be warned about those difficulty spikes. It took a lot of attempts for me to get past a couple key spots that were brutal.
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
Most of the time after sneaking up behind and hitting assassinate, they roll on the ground moaning. I have only waited like 30 seconds before I had to use a light attack so I can hide the bodies from incoming patrols.

It's kind of weird lol.
Ah, how far in the game are you? I think at first you just incapacitate them until you get the hidden blade in Alexandria.


Nov 1, 2018
Fell Seal has a really cool item System tho, unlike other games, items aren't a limited ressource, they are limited to X amount per fight, and crafting a new potion gives you a +1 on that Count.

As someone who is often hoarding items until the final Boss (or even during that because who knows if there isn't another Boss coming after!?) this System really encourages me to actually use my items.

I'm interested in this game. Is it at least fair in the difficulty or is it beating you over the head outta nowhere?

An unbalanced difficulty would be a sure turn-off. :face-with-cold-sweat:
The game has a lot of ways to customize the difficulty, including the ability to turn a bunch of individual mechanics like the injury System on and off, my experience is solely coming from Veteran difficulty because that's the one that says it's what the game is balanced around.

I'd say on that difficulty it's fair in theory, but not in Praxis, if that makes any sense.
Like, the enemy isn't inherently stronger than you or anything, but because you get xp for doing things (like in FF:T), dead characters can't gain XP and thus i often feel underleveled, this is furthered by the injury System that's supposed to make you swap characters a lot meaning the XP you do again are also shared amongst a greater pool of Units.

Is it fine to start playing right now? I remember they just dispatched a (last) huge update for early access last week.

I'm still holding on to start playing until the full release later this week.
According to the devs on the steamforums, the game is essentially complete now, only missing the final Boss and ending, save games are supposed to carry over to the 1.0 when it releases (i think today?).


Dec 21, 2018
The Witcher games, and 3 in particular, did things differently enough that I don't believe it's fair to bundle it together with AC or Skyrim. It had it's fair share of problems but overall it's a positive landmark within the gaming industry. Although, to be quite honest, I preferred the tighter and more "linear" approach of The Witcher 2 to the sprawling beautiful open world vistas of The Witcher 3. It fitted the narrative, world and characters better.

It's funny that you mention Skyrim, which is a terrible game imho, since i think the open-world patient zero of terrible game design is Oblivion, and it's success affected all the subsequent AAA industry output. I'm sure we can make a list of all the usual open world faults and trace them back to Oblivion, like level scaling enemies, empty maps, quest markers, copy/pasted enemies, fetch quests, escort quests, gathering trash for selling/crafting, etc... The only thing missing seems to be collectibles, It's almost unbelievable to think the same company made Morrowind only a few year before.
I consider The Witcher 3 to actually be worse than even Assassin's Creed in the loot design. Until Origins, I mean.
It actually feels like the progenitor of the last two AC, with question marks everywhere and awful, awful quest design. Reach a ?, use Batman sense (or don't find what you're looking for at all, fantastic design that fucking thing), kill hte baddie or find the item, go back for a reward.
And that's where the entire open world aspect is pointless: get a random reward that is a literal copy/paste, the exact same sword that you own, but 42-44 instead of 40-42 damage.
The handful of unique armor recipes are especially relevant here, they make 99.8% of the entire game not exist. Of course, the mission design for those is just as terrible, however.

And combat is the worst of the AAA RPG market. Again, progression is paramount: you literally don't get anything of value until the DLC once you've once unlocked your two little sword skills.
Do the same shitty combat for every encounter, with random animations activating without consent, against enemies that... never do anything different. Fight a level 2 ghost, it's the same as a level 40 ghost. You have a giant bestiary which is cool... and ultimately the number of ennemies is ridiculously low because everything is a palette swap. And it's not like there's a big difference between a human and a drowner, everything may as well fight the same.
Without even talking about how broken the combat controls are, get aggro? Time for the crab walk because running and rolling are on the same button and Geralt has to face the incoming monsters!
Combat is literally broken in that game.

Oblivion may have been very influential indeed.
But... I think that started before that. The first two Elder Scrolls games? Well, they're just as terrible. Incredibly large world, mostly... randomly generated in every way. Talk about empty in Daggerfall! Nothing has value, only the text is important. Morrowind was definitely a fluke (but also had horrendous combat even for its time), and only in writing.
Though it would have looked interesting if it wasn't drowning in fog. It does have a cool design... and that's pretty much what every game is doing now isn't it? Looks cool, nice story maybe, and for the rest, let's scrap the bin to finish our game.

I would even argue that Bethesda never made a good game in their entire lifespan. All of their games shit the bed in one way or another, with blatant failures of design galore.
Fallout 4 is probably the only game that has pretty good combat, but we all know how everything else fell apart. Well the same can be said for all their other games! If dialogues are good, all the rest is crap for the time. Not sure why people are more worried about dialogue choices when the end results is press LMB for twenty seconds or don't. Dialogues are great yeah, combat should be too when it's most of the results.

Worst thing is, their games could have been good. The complete conversions Nehrim and Enderal are actually good games made from Oblivion and Skyrim.
I mean, the combat is still wank, but at least it's more balanced (like magic not scaling in any way was a fantastic idea in Skyrim, it takes about 1 second to see the issue), and the world has a reason to exist, items are a lot more unique (less of a fan of armor sets, it's very gamey however), and quests have more interactions than just another marker on the map.

It even has collectibles! When you don't have them in every corner and they do something, it's not necessarily bad.
But like of the open world elements, it's all about using it correctly. Which is clearly not what the public wants when you see the sales of pseudo mobile games with big budgets in the visuals. Or the AAA industry, one and the same with GAAS now.
The vast majority of the market wants their shitty stat grinders. That's where the money is, especially in Japan.

I can only see those RPGs elements continue to rot away until nobody will even remember what a named item was. It already happened in the MMO space, where now if you don't get +1 to awesome from your 4 person instance, people complain that's it's not an MMO. Everything that existed in the genre do not even exist anymore, and the absolute opposite became requirement. Stat sticks is all that's left of them.
Wouldn't even be surprised to see people starting to complain about dialogue choices if a bar don't go up when they do so.


Child at heart
Oct 19, 2018
According to the devs on the steamforums, the game is essentially complete now, only missing the final Boss and ending, save games are supposed to carry over to the 1.0 when it releases (i think today?).

I guess I'll start playing this evening. The game doesn't even reach 1GB of download, to my surprise.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
recently played FF15 and this just makes me sad

It really sucks we'll never have Episode Luna or Aranea now. 😭

I should get this artbook then if it details any of these things. I think there was a novel coming out soon as well... Written by Jun Eishima who some may know for the Drakengard novelizations. I must have these. 🧐


Dec 8, 2018
Finished Sekiro yesterday.
Was good although it didn't grab me like Souls games, like, I couldn't put them down until I'd finished them.
Kept dropping Sekiro for other stuff.
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Dec 7, 2018
I had a pretty horrifying experience in Kenshi recently. I might as well post it here.

Story time.

I decided it was time to venture north. I knew my destination -- Mongrel.

I set off from one of the villages of the Western Hive. A few hours in and there was no one to be seen. No bandits, escaped servants, or nomads. Nothing. All except large rusted-out pieces from the old world. I made it to the fog. I'd heard a tale about this fog from a group of Hiver traders. They tried to con me into buying a magical lantern to pass through it. I didn't believe them until the moment a group of crazed figures started coming after me. I ran out, and prepared to fight them. Fogmen!

After a chaotic fight I stood victorious. I prepared a camp on a nearby hill to recover Ruka's wounds. Perhaps the Hiver traders were right? I decided I would leave the rest of my party here to recover, and run back alone to buy one of these magical lanterns the Hivers spoke of. I managed to run back and acquire a lantern, and Ruka was resting while Hobbs and Bones looked out over the camp. All was going well, until I saw them...

Cannibals heading straight for my camp! I couldn't run. Hobbs and the rest of camp would have to make their stand. I was still making my way back from the village. Ruka held her own for some time, but one unlucky blow knocked her out, and then Hobbs fell. Bones scurried off into the woods, but eventually fell as well. Nothing about this was going well.

I made it to my dog Bones, but another as luck would have it, a large group of hungry bandits saw me and knocked me out before I could carry my dog to safety. Most of them left as I played dead. The last one was trying to carve up my dog! I got up to try and stop him, and with an unlucky hit I was back on the ground... Nooooo! There was nothing I could do but watch as this piece of scum butchered my dog as I lay there. But wait, Fogmen?! As if appearing out of the trees themselves two Fogmen attack the bandit and finish him off. My dog still lives!

That moment of hope was short-lived. As I continue to lay there a group of patrolling cannibals scoops me up. For the next few minutes I watch as cannibals finish hauling all (except Bones) of my party to their camp. One by one, we're reunited once again, but tied to polls and in front of a large roasting pit. We're not alone either, but in the same company as unfortunate bandits, outlaws, and fogmen.

I began to think about how did it come to this. Of all the horrible fates in Kenshi, from being forced into slavery to being eaten by Beak Things, having to wait around until your turn to be dinner was horrifying. Everyone was unconscious and recovering. There was nothing I could do but watch. Then it happened...

Oh no... Not like this...

I knew I had only one chance. Hobbs and Ruka managed to wake up. They'd have to pick their locks, free me, and somehow sneak away without being seen by the dozens of cannibals nearby. I'd have to wait for night, but at any moment I could be next to go. The wait was unbearable. I watched as four other prisoners got their turn. I just needed some advantage, anything to give me a chance.

And there it was! A large group of outlaws got into a fight with some cannibals not far from the camp itself. The rest of the cannibals fled off to join in. This was it! Hobbs and Ruka picked their locks. Hobbs freed me, and some able-bodied bandits and escaped servants just in case we needed another distraction. Hobbs with me on his shoulder and Ruka ran like never before. They didn't stop running until I was absolutely sure. As I turned around one of the escaped servants was following me. Overjoyed by my help in his escape, he decides to join us. I just had one last thing to do. I rescue Bones, and got the fuck out of cannibal country.



Mar 13, 2019
I had a pretty horrifying experience in Kenshi recently. I might as well post it here.

Story time.

I decided it was time to venture north. I knew my destination -- Mongrel.

I set off from one of the villages of the Western Hive. A few hours in and there was no one to be seen. No bandits, escaped servants, or nomads. Nothing. All except large rusted-out pieces from the old world. I made it to the fog. I'd heard a tale about this fog from a group of Hiver traders. They tried to con me into buying a magical lantern to pass through it. I didn't believe them until the moment a group of crazed figures started coming after me. I ran out, and prepared to fight them. Fogmen!

After a chaotic fight I stood victorious. I prepared a camp on a nearby hill to recover Ruka's wounds. Perhaps the Hiver traders were right? I decided I would leave the rest of my party here to recover, and run back alone to buy one of these magical lanterns the Hivers spoke of. I managed to run back and acquire a lantern, and Ruka was resting while Hobbs and Bones looked out over the camp. All was going well, until I saw them...

Cannibals heading straight for my camp! I couldn't run. Hobbs and the rest of camp would have to make their stand. I was still making my way back from the village. Ruka held her own for some time, but one unlucky blow knocked her out, and then Hobbs fell. Bones scurried off into the woods, but eventually fell as well. Nothing about this was going well.

I made it to my dog Bones, but another as luck would have it, a large group of hungry bandits saw me and knocked me out before I could carry my dog to safety. Most of them left as I played dead. The last one was trying to carve up my dog! I got up to try and stop him, and with an unlucky hit I was back on the ground... Nooooo! There was nothing I could do but watch as this piece of scum butchered my dog as I lay there. But wait, Fogmen?! As if appearing out of the trees themselves two Fogmen attack the bandit and finish him off. My dog still lives!

That moment of hope was short-lived. As I continue to lay there a group of patrolling cannibals scoops me up. For the next few minutes I watch as cannibals finish hauling all (except Bones) of my party to their camp. One by one, we're reunited once again, but tied to polls and in front of a large roasting pit. We're not alone either, but in the same company as unfortunate bandits, outlaws, and fogmen.

I began to think about how did it come to this. Of all the horrible fates in Kenshi, from being forced into slavery to being eaten by Beak Things, having to wait around until your turn to be dinner was horrifying. Everyone was unconscious and recovering. There was nothing I could do but watch. Then it happened..

Oh no... Not like this...

I knew I had only one chance. Hobbs and Ruka managed to wake up. They'd have to pick their locks, free me, and somehow sneak away without being seen by the dozens of cannibals nearby. I'd have to wait for night, but at any moment I could be next to go. The wait was unbearable. I watched as four other prisoners got their turn. I just needed some advantage, anything to give me a chance.

And there it was! A large group of outlaws got into a fight with some cannibals not far from the camp itself. The rest of the cannibals fled off to join in. This was it! Hobbs and Ruka picked their locks. Hobbs freed me, and some able-bodied bandits and escaped servants just in case we needed another distraction. Hobbs with me on his shoulder and Ruka ran like never before. They didn't stop running until I was absolutely sure. As I turned around one of the escaped servants was following me. Overjoyed by my help in his escape, he decides to join us. I just had one last thing to do. I rescue Bones, and got the fuck out of cannibal country.
Amazing. Kenshi stories are always crazy interesting to read. I should try it sometime.


Lucas isn't sure what to do anymore
Apr 18, 2019
Telltale's Batman season 2 is excellent so far, just like season 1 was. I really love how they subvert the player's expectations with their different takes on so many characters, while still staying true to their traditional personalities so as to not make them feel like completely different characters (for most of the characters at least). It makes them feel unique and fresh yet familiar enough.

The story is also very gripping and enjoyable to experience, especially when you play as Bruce Wayne. The fact that these games involve Bruce Wayne so much gives a great and unique depth to Batman's characterization as far as Batman games are concerned. I also know that Telltale haven't shied away from gore and brutality in the past, but some scene still took me by surprise in this game. I don't mind it though, if anything it makes it feel like the stake are truly high, which is great for a game that's all about choice (Or illusion of choice even :p).

Such a shame about what happened to Telltale though. Absolutely shocking mismanagement to get to that point. I really hope that all of their talent manage/had managed to land on their feet and to continue making similar games in one form or another. We don't get many games of this kind sadly.


Apr 17, 2019
Finished Sekiro yesterday.
Was good although it didn't grab me like Souls games, like, I couldn't put them down until I'd finished them.
Kept dropping Sekiro for other stuff.
Same for me. I'm taking a break from it right now, I wonder if I'll ever finish it tbh.


Dec 9, 2018
Nvidia driver 430.39 has the old bug again where CPU utilization spikes for no reason.

NVDisplay.Container.exe CPU high usage workaround

Delete the following two folders (kill NVDisplay.Container.exe via trask manager):

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.NvContainer\plugins\LocalSystem\DisplayDriverRAS
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\DisplayDriverRAS


Feb 17, 2019
Nvidia driver 430.39 has the old bug again where CPU utilization spikes for no reason.

NVDisplay.Container.exe CPU high usage workaround

Delete the following two folders (kill NVDisplay.Container.exe via trask manager):

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.NvContainer\plugins\LocalSystem\DisplayDriverRAS
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\DisplayDriverRAS
I wonder if this explains completely unexplainable drops I had in recordings lately. When recording ultra hq video you need the CPU power and the throuput from the HDD/SSD, yet I could not explain some irregular stutter that ocassionally occured. Weird.

That could explain it!


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
It's okay just to delete those Nvidia folders?
That's what i'm going to do when i get home. GHacks has an article with the instructions from DeskModder & Nvidia forums.
GHacks - NVidia Container causing High CPU Load

Either reinstall an older driver or this from the above article: You may need to do Step 5 before deleting the folders if it has a lock on a file within them.
The actual fix requires elevated privileges. Here is what you need to do:
  1. Use Explorer to open C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.NvContainer\plugins\LocalSystem\
  2. Locate the folder DisplayDriverRAS and delete it, e.g. by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete.
  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\.
  4. Delete the folder DisplayDriverRAS.
  5. Kill the nvdisplay.container.exe process (or processes) in the Windows Task Manager.
  6. Restart the computer.


I know nothing
Oct 19, 2018
CDKeys changed Rage 2 from Steam to I'll obviously ask for a refund.
Yeah, as I've mentioned before, Rage 2 ship set sail a long time ago, not sure where CDKeys got this Steam info and why they even insist on it.
You need to watch for Wolfenstein: Youngblood/Cyberpilot though because right now it looks like Bethesda is going to have them as Steam keys on PC. I have several confirmations from different RU/CIS retailers that Bethesda promised them Steam keys and they are taking preorders on those keys already, but it's not official yet in ROW regions so it might change closer to release date.


"My destiny is to continue fighting"
Oct 31, 2018
Castelló, Spain
Voidu has Yakuza Kiwami 2 now (maybe for a while, but I only noticed it now).
28% discount with code GAMINGTIME.
And I had some Voidu cash from previous purchases which got it down to 20.45€ :coffee-blob:
Thanks for posting it, I am going to buy it right now because Voidu sometimes delists a game after it has sold their 'available' keys. It happened with Wargroove recently. (y)


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I always try to stay at least one Nvidia driver behind because of the frequent bugs in the last couple years. :face-with-cold-sweat: And I always make sure to check the latest .pdf's to see what issues the current driver has (known).

Only really update to newest if I happen to play an AAA title day one, but I really do hate how cautious you have to be with these drivers. I got hit with the CPU bug on 419.17 -_-

Is this like Splatoon for PC? owo
Dec 5, 2018
I used to update my drivers like every time they released, then AMD fucked up and they broke the clocks (IIRC the clocks kept reverting back to 2D clocks, I remember I had to use a weird program to avoid the clocks from dropping), since then I wait sometime before updating (and I've kept that habit when I went back to Nvidia).
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