Community MetaSteam | August 2021 - Openness Is Its Superpower

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👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
free unlimited wallet trick with this simple trick



anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Looking at reactions around this whole thing regarding opening App/Play store and how majority think that this is done to stick it to the big corporations and help smal people i realized that i should start selling bridges.
maybe with the all "stick it to the big corporations and help smal people" they all mean "billion $ corpos as the "big corpos" a and hudnred million $ corpos as the small people" :thinking-blob:
  • Toucan
Reactions: ISee


Dec 20, 2018
Issue is that people still not realize that benefits for smaller creators and end user will be minimal in comparison what will allow other big corporations to do. Just to be clear I don't think that Apple is saint but they did some good things last few years. Their privacy efforts are obviously good because we see Facebook screaming about it. Closed systems are in general better for majority of population in my opinion so there should be choice for people to get into those kind of ecosystems. Removing all of that will allow Facebook to mine any data they want because governments for sure won't check companies and their stores/apps, users will end up with total mess (like we have it on PC currently) with various stores/accounts, and smaller creators will possibly end up with high entry fees to the stores because there won't be revenue from 1% of apps that subsidies low income apps.


The Giveaway Gal
Jul 10, 2021


Restrictions & Conditions:

Hello, I'm the Giveaway Bot! Mivey is giving away 5 gift(s).

This giveaway is a raffle and will be closed after Aug 13, 2021 at 8:18 AM. A winner is chosen randomly with the key delivered via a PM.

Some games I got from various Humble Bundles. Hope they find a new home soon.

The raffle has ended.

The following games are being given away:

    • Family Man
    • won by Rahul
    • (1 entries)
    • Retimed
    • won by Rahul
    • (1 entries)
    • Size Matters
    • won by Rahul
    • (1 entries)
    • Fury Unleashed
    • won by Rahul
    • (2 entries)
    • Levelhead
    • won by Rahul
    • (3 entries)


Oct 30, 2018
free unlimited wallet trick with this simple trick

I wonder how much this bounty was worth, considering he could generate Steam Wallet at will.

  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety and ISee


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2019
Looking at reactions around this whole thing regarding opening App/Play store and how majority think that this is done to stick it to the big corporations and help smal people i realized that i should start selling bridges.
Whichever way this falls some big corporation is winning, that's a given. I'm still going to be in favour of more open systems I can install whatever I want on even if someone like Epic benefits in this one instance. The openess of PC is why we have access to a service as good as Steam in the first place rather than being locked into whatever Microsoft is offering.
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Reactions: Tomasety


Mar 1, 2019
I need a bot that takes all my unclaimed humble monthly games and puts them into Mona.
(Yeah I'm lazy)
So you are telling me, you have many unused game codes?

/change persona/


I'm a Nigerian humble monthly game code billionaire. My government doesn't allow the trading of humble game codes for money, so I need a partner in a foreign country. We can both get rich, fast. I'm talking billions of dollars, my friend. Respond to this message and we can start planing the deal of our lifetime.


King-Prince-General Benjamin Kissinger IV


Dec 10, 2018
Will be interesting to see how the App Store wars pans out. If this pans out (I can imagine a lot of money is going to be spent on lobbying against this) MS, Sony and Nintendo maybe getting a bit nervous about this.

I also wonder if this will have any influence over the Apple vs epic.
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
What's even worse than the persisting flaws are the flaws that they fixed and then went on to unfix with the next game.
Yeah, I was always a bit annoyed that both the co-op and NG+ was much better in DS2 than DS3. I have no idea why they got rid of the small white sign soapstone in particular, it's not like all the heavy lifting implementation wise isn't there already.


👀 I see you
Sep 19, 2018
Will be interesting to see how the App Store wars pans out. If this pans out (I can imagine a lot of money is going to be spent on lobbying against this) MS, Sony and Nintendo maybe getting a bit nervous about this.

I also wonder if this will have any influence over the Apple vs epic.
I'm happy if end result is I can install Steam on PS5/XSX :p


Dec 17, 2018
Demon's Souls Remake is great, but it has yet to keep up my motivation to play it, like I play until 1 death and Im done for a long while. I think it's a combo of still remembering a lot from my playtime of the PS3 version a few years ago making the Remake not that fresh and new in my mind and that I've mainly played the Souls games with the exception of Bb and Demons PS3 on PC, so something feels odd when playing the Remake.
  • This!
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety and ISee


Sep 11, 2018
I wanted to like Sekiro more than I did in the end. To be specific, the parry counter gameplay just isn't my thing, love everything else about it.

This is also the reason why I'm not as interested in Bloodborne PC port as some others are as I'm guessing the combat is probably not going to gel with me as much as traditional Souls games do.


Resident Cynic
Jun 23, 2020
I present you this gem:
No idea how I never heard about this before. RPG Codex gives a helping hand yet again.

Next few weeks are so stacked with games for me. Aliens FE, Beyond Mankind, Pathfinder WotR, King's Bounty 2, WWZ Aftermath. Just when my semester is starting...


Dec 17, 2018
Im impressed, despite the PC game pass day 1 announcement, Humankind keeps climbing on the Steam global seller list and it still doesn't release for around 5 days.
  • This!
Reactions: Wok


Apr 18, 2019
Fair warning, I'm sleepy and a bit weary of internet arguments so I hope I won't say anything grating or wrong.

Overall I feel asset recycling is justified when done right. Asset sets and tiles are actually a method of building environments so it's really legit to say the least. You just need for the player not to be able to spot it, for the environment to sing on its own. That hasn't been the case in Souls game's case for me. I saw the bloodborne assets in Irithyl, not to mention those obvious callbacks to previous souls games.

As for mechanics, I think that the whole combat system has not really changed other than in DS2. The camera is still broken, jumping is still atrocious and overall I feel like games like Nioh 2 delivered far, far more on depth on the combat front. Make no mistake, I think that Nioh 2 is not the right magnitude of direction, they go too far into combo-land, but the stances and various ways the mechanics dovetail into each other and just how much depth there is to each weapon puts the Souls game to shame in my opinion. I also don't say this to prop up Nioh at DS's expense but rather as one example off the top of my head of one of the many directions combat could have gone into, whereas they stagnated in my view.

I hope that made my statement about recycling mechanics a bit clearer, and I hope I haven't missed what you were trying to say.
What really grates me though, isn't so much persisting or unfixed flaws, but the increasing focus and reliance on combat and difficult roll-bonanza boss fights, as though those were the reasons people fell in love with Demon's and Dark Souls in the first place. Let's be honest here, Souls combat just isn't that good.
Well fuck me, you are saying pretty much the same thing I meant to try to and did quite a better and more succint job of it. I agree completely and one thing I will say of Sekiro is that as much as it is a rhythm memory game, I found it far more fun than most of DS3's bosses. DS1 was at its best when I was capable of beating bosses sight unseen, where this "cautious and slow" approach that permeated the rest of the world exploration was also viable during boss fights.


Mar 1, 2019
I wanted to like Sekiro more than I did in the end. To be specific, the parry counter gameplay just isn't my thing, love everything else about it.

This is also the reason why I'm not as interested in Bloodborne PC port as some others are as I'm guessing the combat is probably not going to gel with me as much as traditional Souls games do.
Parrying in Sekiro is essential and while there is no shield in BB (besides the one joke shield) parrying is an option, not a necessity.
Bloodborne also has weapon variety, you can level up, it has equipment, it has "fashion". All that makes for a different experience over Sekiro, which is limited and constricting. There is no player decision making involved and despite being more challenging and having better "encounters", I was bored quicker.

I felt like I was playing Myazaki's set in stone save file, instead of my own. The fact that Sekiro wants the player to perfect gameplay, instead of mastering it killed the last bit of fun I had with the game.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
I present you this gem:
No idea how I never heard about this before. RPG Codex gives a helping hand yet again.

Next few weeks are so stacked with games for me. Aliens FE, Beyond Mankind, Pathfinder WotR, King's Bounty 2, WWZ Aftermath. Just when my semester is starting...
oh cool , noticed it yesterday too ... could be interesting
seems to be made by the team behind some great Mount and Blade mods :coffee-blob:


Jun 8, 2020

More than 300 thousand copies of the game have been sold so far, which makes it one of the most successful releases in its genre.
It's also on GoG but devs don't even advertise the platform on their own site.

We know owners are not sales but nevertheless it certainly works okish for the max range.

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Reactions: Pommes and Yoshi


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
What really grates me though, isn't so much persisting or unfixed flaws, but the increasing focus and reliance on combat and difficult roll-bonanza boss fights, as though those were the reasons people fell in love with Demon's and Dark Souls in the first place. Let's be honest here, Souls combat just isn't that good.
Well fuck me, you are saying pretty much the same thing I meant to try to and did quite a better and more succint job of it. I agree completely and one thing I will say of Sekiro is that as much as it is a rhythm memory game, I found it far more fun than most of DS3's bosses. DS1 was at its best when I was capable of beating bosses sight unseen, where this "cautious and slow" approach that permeated the rest of the world exploration was also viable during boss fights.
Add me to the camp that didn't really like DS3's bigger emphasis on speeeeeeeeeeeed.
"Cautious and slow" is how I want my Souls fights to be, primarily, as well.

Which isn't to say I don't like fast-paced hard stuff, I play Ys games on Nightmare. But I don't like it in Souls games.


Apr 18, 2019
Add me to the camp that didn't really like DS3's bigger emphasis on speeeeeeeeeeeed.
"Cautious and slow" is how I want my Souls fights to be, primarily, as well.

Which isn't to say I don't like fast-paced hard stuff, I play Ys games on Nightmare. But I don't like it in Souls games.
Same, I don't mind speed and fast-paced where you fail often as long as it goes along with a design where you can retry quickly. That's the part of the souls game that is divorced from its combat.


Sep 11, 2018
Parrying in Sekiro is essential and while there is no shield in BB (besides the one joke shield) parrying is an option, not a necessity.
Bloodborne also has weapon variety, you can level up, it has equipment, it has "fashion". All that makes for a different experience over Sekiro, which is limited and constricting. There is no player decision making involved and despite being more challenging and having better "encounters", I was bored quicker.

I felt like I was playing Myazaki's set in stone save file, instead of my own. The fact that Sekiro wants the player to perfect gameplay, instead of mastering it killed the last bit of fun I had with the game.
It's not specifically the parrying in BB that I'm worried about, it's the general flow of combat, aggressiveness, the whole thing about how you can get back lost health if you hit an enemy in 5 secs after losing health. All of it just sounds really unappealing to me and not why I come to these games.
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Reactions: ISee and Tomasety


Oct 30, 2018
"More than 300 thousand copies of the game have been sold so far, which makes it one of the most successful releases in its genre."

The number of owners is higher than the upper bound. Interesting.

That is in line with what we could expect, based on the 2018 leak. In the graph below, each point corresponds to a game with a "Very Positive" rating, with number of reviews in abscissa, and number of sales in ordinate. The two red lines are the bounds for reviews-to-sales multipliers mentioned on SteamDB. Many games appear in the panel above the upper red line, especially if there are more than a thousand reviews. That means that many of these games have better sales than we would expect. At the very least, they should be much closer to (or higher than) the upper bound of the range.

Last edited:
  • Eyes
Reactions: Tomasety

Gamall Wednesday Ida

Just a loon, apparently.
Dec 4, 2020
Parrying in Sekiro is essential and while there is no shield in BB (besides the one joke shield) parrying is an option, not a necessity.
Parrying in Sekiro is really not at all the same mechanic as in DS/Bloodborne, though. It's considerably easier and the stakes are much lower, with generous parry frames (up to half a second, I believe -- if you don't spam) that are immediately active, autoblock if the parry window expires, but also less spectacular results. Low risk, low reward. Feels really different from DS parries (very high risk, high reward).

One may dislike / suck at DS-style parries and love Sekiro parries, and vice versa.

(Of course, it's best if one does not dwell on how Sekiro parries a giant charging bull or a towering ape...)
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  • Eyes
Reactions: ISee and Tomasety


Dec 17, 2018

It's also on GoG but devs don't even advertise the platform on their own site.

We know owners are not sales but nevertheless it certainly works okish for the max range.

I haven't trusted any owner estimation tracker for a very long time.
  • Disapproval
  • Sad
Reactions: Tomasety and Wok


Jun 3, 2020
I reached the midway point of Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force. Here's my reaction to the story:

The game suddenly does a 180, from a mostly light-heated and hilarious, sometimes a bit sad and dark little adventure to something very shocking (DONT click if you plan to play the game) one of the main female protags getting killed by someone, then the protag was sent back to the past in order to save her.

I went to wikipedia to check who is the writer... Well, it's Toshiki Inoue, who is the main writer of these:
  • Kamen Rider Kuuga (2000)
  • Kamen Rider Agito (2001-2002)
  • Kamen Rider Ryuki (2002)
  • Kamen Rider 555 (2003-2004)

Shit, this explains everything.

This may interest you, Gizmo
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