Community MetaSteam | February 2022 - Good night, and good luck, Lowly Tarnished

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The Angel of Deaf
Nov 17, 2018
It got removed what was it?
We are now at over 700k!!!!!!
a couple of hours ago everyones steam profile (text and outlines of everything) was turned neon pink for seemingly no reason but people looked into the HTML code of it and that lead them to find it out had something to do with the steam deck launch
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Well, I caved and disabled my other controllers to be able and play. Wow. Screenshots didn't do this game justice. The world design is so good, expanding fully realized in every direction. With that and all the new systems it feels like playing DS for the first time again, which none of the other games managed to convey by following the same formula. Also, lol @ how the goats escape you, that was wtf the first time thinking it's just gonna run away if it sees you, lmao.
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Jun 3, 2020
Just learnt that Dark Souls' server is still being closed and achievements wouldn't unlock. Well, guess I am not playing it today.

Have fun playing Elden Ring, people.
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May 14, 2020
I sprained my thumb a couple of weeks ago (no idea what I did to it), and I was really hoping it would be in ok shape in time for Elden Ring. But it seems like moving the camera to the right and pressing Y are both still pretty painful. :confounded-face: Looks like I'm going to be playing through this game very, very slowly. Maybe I can learn to use the back paddles on my controller to make things go a bit easier.

The game seems good so far though. Even after only a couple of hours, I can already tell that the combat is way better than any of the Souls games. The stronger attacks seem to stun very quickly, which makes it worthwhile to go for big swings sometimes instead of spamming R1.


Mar 9, 2021
I did some testing and this PC port makes no sense. Runs better for me on maximum settings than on low. Because for some reason, on low I only get about 50% GPU utilization and I get 40 fps max at the windy area in Stormveil castle. When I switched to maximum settings I was getting better numbers, even getting to the 50 something fps mark but I still only got like 80% GPU utilization even though I'm not even close to getting 60 fps. CPU utilization is high but not to the point of bottlenecking the GPU. This game needs some serious fixing on PC

Just as a reference these are my specs:
Ryzen 5 3600
GTX 1080 8GB
16 GB ram DD4 3200mhz
I'm playing at 1440p
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
My ER 2 cents.

All settings at High except textures at Maximum.
1440p 60fps, borderless window + Gsync
32GB DDR4 @ 3200, Intel 8700k stock speeds, and 1080ti.

Game runs actually pretty good for me? Haven't encountered major stutters for the two hours I've played. Frame-rate is fairly stable except when asset loading like when DF mentioned. But even then, it's not nearly as bad (for me) as it seems to be for others. My xbox controller works too. Even with all my USB's plugged up with a million other things. (Capture Card, PS5 controller, external HDD's, etc...).

I seem to have the same "problem" Durante mentioned. That is to say, my GPU is ranging from 45-65% usage. So it's a shame this is 60FPS capped, I imagine I could chew up to 90's if not for that...

I really like it so far! It's my first FROM game since DS1. (Yes I plan to play the others at a later date, not to worry!)

I tried to make a mixed-race character like me. (Asian+White) I think i did okies...


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
That's 3 times what I expected.

I based my expectations on 2x the Dark Souls 3 peak, because honestly Dark Souls 3 was already incredibly successful on Steam. Between Steam growth in general and the hype I expected Elden Ring to double it, but this is really something else.
its kinda amazing what this has become ever since your singlehanded save of OG Dark Souls with DSfix :drinking-blob:


Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey

Out of solidarity with our neighbor Ukraine, the KeeperRL team will give away a free copy of the game to anyone who donates to any Ukrainian charity. You can find a list of reputable charities here. You should donate at least as much as the price of KeeperRL in your country. To redeem your copy of the game, please forward the email confirming your donation to

The team will also donate all proceeds from the sales of our game coming from Russia.


Low Tier Weeb
Jan 19, 2019
I really like it so far! It's my first FROM game since DS1. (Yes I plan to play the others at a later date, not to worry!)

You need to change this ASAP or risk getting banned here. We all love our fromsoft here at MC.

We are now less than 11 hours until we hear what the "world" thinks of the Steam Deck.

Will I see a Famitsu article/review?
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Jun 3, 2020
I played some Dark Souls Remastered last night and this afternoon while I was waiting for Elden Ring and Steam achievements unlocked just fine.
Thanks for the head-up!

I went back and played till reaching Lordran. Not sure if this is for me yet because I am really bad at action games, but I can totally see the appeal now. The story-telling is also very intriguing and I love that lore is hidden in item descriptions.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Game runs actually pretty good for me? Haven't encountered major stutters for the two hours I've played. Frame-rate is fairly stable except when asset loading like when DF mentioned.
Yeah, same for me (except at maximum settings and with 5k res DLDSR).
I mean, obviously that's how it should be and my PC is very fast, but given how much ado there was about "not even high-end PCs" running the game smoothly -- well, I can't confirm that so far.


Sep 20, 2018
Yeah, same for me (except at maximum settings and with 5k res DLDSR).
I mean, obviously that's how it should be and my PC is very fast, but given how much ado there was about "not even high-end PCs" running the game smoothly -- well, I can't confirm that so far.
Given how there's some reports of people having really zero issues, it does seem to me like the stuttering might just be something dependant on certain components. Maybe people with fast SSDs (NVME) don't get it, maybe it's another reason, but I'd assume it's not random at all.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
FWIW, I'm running it off a mainstream SATA SSD (like I do basically everything).
I do have 64 GB of RAM though, and while the game obviously isn't using that directly, Windows will of course use it to cache disk accesses so I guess that might play a role?

Also, I do get very minor frametime spikes when some assets are shown for the very first time, but they really are very minor and it's sitting at a very flat 60 FPS frametime graph at all other times.

It's not at all like the severe shader compilation stutter I had in e.g. It Takes Two recently when that loaded a new scene.


May 4, 2019
That entire stormgate section in Elden Ring was so fucking good. Such a great little call back to Demon Souls and so well directed. I'm blown away at how ambitious this game is .

I've only played a few hours but everything is amazing. The npc's and voiceacting might just be their best work to date. Everything is so immersive. The stealth is solid. Riding the mount is stupid fun.

I don't know how the rest of the game will go but it really does feel like this team made the greatest game of all time. I think this is one of those you can spend 500hrs in and never burn out.

Also the performance in the game became much better once you get out of the little starter open area. It feels like a good 60fps even. I did apply the reddit fix + disabled steam overlay so it may be that...but regardless almost all slowdown is gone so now its just some stutter here n there. I would say the game on PC is basically DS3 optimization levels at launch. So if you played DS3 back then you can prorate the requirements a little higher and you get an idea of what to expect in terms of performance.
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Dec 5, 2018
Man all those conflicting reports. I probably won't be able to play until tomorrow most likely. And I'm still not sure how I'll perform on my machine (since there doesn't seem to be a consistent report). I still remember when playing DS3 how the frames would drop (nearly freezing the game) every time I picked up an object.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
Epic has so crappy servers it has to have 10 minute timeout?
well if you block EOS it'll never even try to contact the servers :p but i'm guessing EOS just has the timeout duration set to 10 minutes by default


May 4, 2019
As worthless of a feedback it may be, as I don’t think you people are that far in ER, how is the difficulty ?
Its hard but its a souls game. As long as you are patient and disciplined you will be fine. One of the first bosses in the game is definitely a little bitch tho so feel free to walk around and skip his bullshit for the time being.
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Panda Pedinte

Best Sig Maker on the board!
Sep 20, 2018
As worthless of a feedback it may be, as I don’t think you people are that far in ER, how is the difficulty ?
I did not play too much bit the difficult is on par with the previous Souls games, but there are more options in the combat now like being stealth, jumping attacks, counter attacking with a heavy attack after blocking an enemy attack and so on.

Being an open world game it'll have enemies that are higher level than you though the map kind of directs you to the next supposed point there.

It seems that dying to a boss is more forgiving in the terms of having to walking back to it as there are several sites of lost graces (bonfires) and in some cases a statue that also lets you respawn near the bosses.

Advices from other games still applies though like, being patient and no fighting against a lot of enemies at the same time, if a place looks like an ambush it's an ambush, don't mash attack and so on. And a new one specifically for Elden Ring, if you're having trouble against a though boss just explore other parts of the map, you may find useful items and even get some more levels.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
My first Soulsbourn and I'm going with a mage build... because I am terrible at games! The real difficulty slider is my own incompetence! First not knowing how to show m/k button prompts, and then playing through the tutorial only to discover I forgot to take a keepsake! 😅

Needless to say, I will start over tonight when I get home. Gonna probably spend another 2 hours in the character creator. And then I need to remap the keyboard controls, because switching things with the arrow keys is... insane.
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I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
I have a hard time judging Soulslike difficulty due to hundreds of hours of playtime in them. My feeling is that Dark Souls 1 was much harder than what followed, but I don't think that's the objective reality.

That said, for me, ER so far seems like more of the same in difficulty. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes and all that, but not like it requires godlike gaming skills or really fast reflexes.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
Yeah, I played a lot of Souls game, so I know about the general level of difficulty. I'm worried because...
  • Sekiro (but ER seems to be more traditional 'optional grind for scrubs').
  • Journos who can't stop talking about the game being EASIER and at the same time SUPER HARD. Which is, relatively unhelpful to gauge the level of difficulty.

If it's Demon/Dark Souls level of difficulty I'm cool.


Oct 9, 2018
I have a hard time judging Soulslike difficulty due to hundreds of hours of playtime in them. My feeling is that Dark Souls 1 was much harder than what followed, but I don't think that's the objective reality.

That said, for me, ER so far seems like more of the same in difficulty. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes and all that, but not like it requires godlike gaming skills or really fast reflexes.
I'm glad to hear this, cos the multiple reports of "hardest From game yet" really worried me, Sekiro was just too much imo

Yeah, I played a lot of Souls game, so I know about the general level of difficulty. I'm worried because...
  • Sekiro (but ER seems to be more traditional 'optional grind for scrubs').
  • Journos who can't stop talking about the game being EASIER and at the same time SUPER HARD. Which is, relatively unhelpful to gauge the level of difficulty.

If it's Demon/Dark Souls level of difficulty I'm cool.
This, the journos have been really quite poor at actually articulating the scale of difficulty beyond "but you can go other places" which isn't actually helpful
  • This!
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Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
Elden Ring running okay-ish for me. Framerate dips here and there and some minor stuttering but no crashes or second long stutters.

Feels like I'm playing a PS3-era console port lol
I'm glad to hear this, cos the multiple reports of "hardest From game yet" really worried me, Sekiro was just too much imo
Combat difficulty is about the same as usual. I imagine the "hard" part will be finding things in the world but that should be part of the fun in a exploration heavy open world game IMO.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I started an Astrologer last night but i am expecting to restart a few times as i work out what style i'm best suited to in the game. Combat seems Souls like to me in that it's manageable but you can get wrecked if you get too impatient about it. I like that it's like the X games where you can see a big opponent and nope out of there and run past them or finmd another way around until you're ready to tackle them.

I'm playing offline and solo and i have noticed the stutter. For me it's reproducable in the second start area where you go up the stone stairs with a statue either side. It always stutters there but not full-on pauses like some reported. Apart from that and the usual slight shader caching i've not noticed anything terrible but it was 3am and i had only played a n hour or so.

Going to play about a bit later before looking at what style each build type is and rerolling so i can change my character appearance a bit.
I am expecting to get wrecked terribly and frequently. I never thought i'd be good at these games, time to find out.
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Dec 6, 2018
Elden Ring difficulty conversation just makes me realise how different we all are with games. I can't think of much worse than the difficulty being tuned to hard in a lot of games and any variation on the word Souls-like means I just stopped reading and wandered away.

However, give me a racetrack and some godlike racing opponent and I'll lap round there all day trying to beat their time. Quickly saving larger amounts of time but way more time shaving off miniscule amounts. No poor temper, no irritation, just laps.
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Bad at Games.
Apr 17, 2019
I hope I can git gud enough to play this! For me, I think I just tend to flail when bad things run towards me! So I hit dodge 3 times and shoot magic into the wall while freaking out! :face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-tightly-closed-eyes:

I think I might play a bit as a non-mage so I get a better feel for things.
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Apr 19, 2019
As I've mentioned before, I believe the dificulty is the souls games is overstated and more of a cool buzzword that gets thrown around than a measure of the reality of those games. I'm fairly certain the majority of us has been gaming since the 80's or 90's so we remember what truly difficult games are like and what shitty tactics they employed.
Personaly I enjoy difficult games, and challenges overall, and the associated enjoyment of overcoming an obstacle so the soul's difficulty never bothered me. The only difficulty settings that really annoy me are when harder enemies mean they get bigger hp bars or thicker armour but the same dumb AI, that's frustrating the player not presenting a challenge.
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May 5, 2019
Unpacking, this better be more awesome than sex or y'all owe me the cost of the key
Its not.
What I had to say about it:

Just finished Unpacking.

Chill game about - you guessed it! - unpacking. Basically you start out in 1997 in your kids room, then move into a dorm, a shared flat, and so on, until the present day. It tells a story of a life, with very little text, just the rooms and items are enough. Some items come with you throughout, some visibly aging. Some are familiar – some I wasnt sure about, since the pixel graphics are cool, but not always very clear.
I started it earlier this evening and finished it in one go, within 3 hours (and I wasnt rushing). I'll go back to get some achievements I missed, but otherwise its a neat one-and-done-game.

Can recommend.
Its a good short game but its not more than that. Eurogamer putting it on #1 of their best games on 2021 was bizarre in my opinion.

edit: oh god you were talking about unpacking Elden Ring, not Unpacking the game, right? discard all that then :p
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