Yeah I think so, and it's weird but I don't think a lot of games use it. I was surprised when Windows Store games actually supported the feature.Is that the trigger rumble?
Yeah it's standard practice where all Japanese games are always ¥9000. So even if it's digital and if they could make it cheaper they won't.PSN has the same price, so it's kinda consistent with the prices in the region
【ご注意】本コンテンツとDLCがセットになった「ELDEN RING SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE EDITION」がお求めやすい価格で販売中です。 本製品を購入するとPS4™版およびPS5™版の両方をダウンロードが可能です。 王となれ 本作は、本格的なダークファンタジーの世界を舞台にしたアクションRPGタイトルです。 広大なフィールドとダンジョン探索による未知の発見。立ちはだかる困難と、それを乗り越えた時の達成感。そして、登場人物たちの思惑が交錯する群像劇をお楽しみいただけます。 ・刺激に満ちた広大な世界
So does this mean that the JPN and WW versions of Elden Ring will be slightly different? Because that looks like 2 separate depots and the only reason for them having that and a price might be because of some stuff that might have to get censored for Japan?