|OT| Post comething completely irrelevant!


May 5, 2019
Anyone mentioned Wordle yet? Apparently its been making waves?

Its a word guessing puzzle game thats pretty fun: guess 5 letter English words in 6 tries. Yellow tiles means the letter is in, but not the right spot – green letters mean the letter is in the right spot.

A more intelligent person would not have tried another word with the letter "A" in it right after he'd seen its not on of the correct letters, but alas...

Resets every day (seemingly at midnight in whatever timezone). Wordle - A daily word game (free & ad-free)


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Wordle is HUGE among some groups of my friends but i'm too scatterbrained to remember to go there daily.

There's also clones that let you play more than one word a day, like this.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Presented in glorious 240p and be grateful for it. Our eyes were not meant to watch such cosmic horror in high-res.

It was 17 years ago but yeah...
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
"Touhou Hijack" in a Russian Buzzer/military frequency. I think there's a lot of bleed-over in the signal as it seems to pick up all sorts of crap randomly.

TohouHijackLOL an account i didn't know wxisted is keeping an eye out for future occurances.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
What's a tohou hijack?
It's where Touhou media is inserted or found in unexpected places and usually they make you laugh.
Just in case, Touhou is a japanese indie game bullet hell series by Project Alice ( consisting of one man, ZUN ) that has become HUGE and has a TON of fan content. It's been going since 1997.
In this case the Touhou song "Bad Apple" was found in a Russian Military "Buzzer" frequency. A few days earlier another Touhou song was detected playing over the expected tone so there's been 2 "touhou hijacks" recently but there was also a cuban/spanish/puerto rican radio station found at some point recently so it must just be atmospheric wierdness bouncing radio signals about and being picked up but i'm not an expert.

I don't think it's malicious like the recent "Tifa Hijack" incident. lol.

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May 5, 2019
It's where Touhou media is inserted or found in unexpected places and usually they make you laugh.
Just in case, Touhou is a japanese indie game bullet hell series by Project Alice ( consisting of one man, ZUN ) that has become HUGE and has a TON of fan content. It's been going since 1997.
In this case the Touhou song "Bad Apple" was found in a Russian Military "Buzzer" frequency. A few days earlier another Touhou song was detected playing over the expected tone so there's been 2 "touhou hijacks" recently but there was also a cuban/spanish/puerto rican radio station found at some point recently so it must just be atmospheric wierdness bouncing radio signals about and being picked up but i'm not an expert.

I don't think it's malicious like the recent "Tifa Hijack" incident. lol.

Ah – thanks for the clarification!
yep I had no idea what Touhou is :)
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May 5, 2019
As you might know, on German highways, there's no general speed limit (there are plenty of areas with limits though, but most of it is unlimited)

Obviously, that causes people to speed, especially those in fast cars.

But 400 km/h is pushing it a bit much.

a Czech millionaire did that with his Bugatti Chiron last year:

he also shared the dashcam footage, which, to me, looks terrifying:

Honestly I hope the discussion around this eventually leads to Germany implementing at least a speed limit of 180 or 200 or something, that should be plenty for anyone — and preventing things like this (and yes, even considering he did the drive on a Sunday morning on a mostly empty straight highway with great visibility: all it takes is one car being on the wrong lane at the wrong time).
As someone who's driven in Germany before: they really go nuts there. You can drive at 150 in the middle lane and someone will zip by you at insane speeds anyway.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
鶴の恩返し - Tsuru no ongaeshi

Long, long ago in a far off land there lived a young man. One day, while working on his farm, a brilliant white crane came swooping down and crashed to the ground at his feet. The man noticed an arrow pierced through one of its wings. Taking pity on the crane, he pulled out the arrow and cleaned the wound. Thanks to his care the bird was soon able to fly again. The young man sent the crane back to the sky, saying, "Be careful to avoid hunters." The crane circled three times over his head, let out a cry as if in thanks, and then flew away.

As the day grew dark the young man made his way home. When he arrived, he was surprised by the sight of a beautiful woman whom he had never seen before standing at the doorway. "Welcome home. I am your wife," said the woman. The young man was surprised and said, "I am very poor, and cannot support you." The woman answered, pointing to a small sack, "Don't worry, I have plenty of rice," and began preparing dinner. The young man was puzzled, but the two began a happy life together. And the rice sack, mysteriously, remained full always.

One day the wife asked the young man to build her a weaving room. When it was completed, she said, "You must promise never to peek inside." With that, she shut herself up in the room. The young man waited patiently for her to come out. Finally, after seven days, the sound of the loom stopped and his wife, who had become very thin, stepped out of the room holding the most beautiful cloth he had ever seen. "Take this cloth to the marketplace and it will sell for a high price," said the wife. The next day the young man brought it to town and, just as she said, it sold for many coins. Happy, he returned home.

The wife then returned to the room and resumed weaving. Curiosity began to overtake the man, who wondered, "How can she weave such beautiful cloth with no thread?" Soon he could stand it no longer and, desperate to know his wife's secret, peeked into the room. To his great shock, his wife was gone. Instead, a crane sat intently at the loom weaving a cloth, plucking out its own feathers for thread.

The bird then noticed the young man peeking in and said, "I am the crane that you saved. I wanted to repay you so I became your wife, but now that you have seen my true form I can stay here no longer." Then, handing the man the finished cloth, it said, "I leave you this to remember me by." The crane then abruptly flew off into the sky and disappeared forever.

Li Kao

It’s a strange world. Let’s keep it that way.
Jan 28, 2019
February income -200 euros.
Phoned the administration : we are currently overworked, please email
Emailed the administration : we are currently overworked, please use the shitty website
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May 5, 2019
Anyone mentioned Wordle yet? Apparently its been making waves?

Its a word guessing puzzle game thats pretty fun: guess 5 letter English words in 6 tries. Yellow tiles means the letter is in, but not the right spot – green letters mean the letter is in the right spot.

A more intelligent person would not have tried another word with the letter "A" in it right after he'd seen its not on of the correct letters, but alas...

Resets every day (seemingly at midnight in whatever timezone). Wordle - A daily word game (free & ad-free)

So as you may know, the New York Times bought Wordle for some reason – for a 7 figure sum – but turns out, you can just save the current version of it and it'll work offline for a long time to come, since its all programmed in already. Which is quite neat if you dont feel like using the NYT website.

The cool thing about Wordle is/was that it was so no-nonsense, no ads, no payment, nothing, just a simple word game. but yeah, if you just right click –> Save website –> Complete, it'll save it and it'll stay functional offline, complete with all the words (which you could actually look into if you felt like cheating, but whats the point in that). your progress wont transfer, but I think there is a solution for that already.


Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey

Duane Smith and his 11-year-old grandson, Allen Cadwalader, were out on a magnet fishing trip on January 30 in Homestead, a suburb of Miami, Florida, when within five minutes of their arrival, Cadwalader reeled in two sniper rifle receivers and bolt carrier groups wrapped in shrink wrap, Smith told CNN.
I wonder what crimes these sniper rifles were used in?
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I hate it when you're ill and in bed for long periods and your pillow starts to feel like a block of concrete.
I honestly want to spend good money on a sturdy office/computer chair so i can at times just recline it and watch videos while snoozing not in bed.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I hate it when you're ill and in bed for long periods and your pillow starts to feel like a block of concrete.
I honestly want to spend good money on a studry office/computer chair so i can at times just recline it and watch videos while snoozing not in bed.
My pillows are super comfy and never really much of an issue, back when I was working two jobs before I got sick I went all out to get some pillows and blankies and a good mattress. I'm glad i did. I think in my case, more or less the pain comes from not moving for long periods. Muscles stiffen up and my bones get achey anyway... (side effect of Crohn's disease sometimes is arthritis in bones/joints.)

but to your point, a good chair can come in handy indeed! I take naps in my DXRacer sometimes since it has a very wide angle of reclining. Though I could not imagine any long sleeps in such a chair. But since it comes with head and back pillows, it is not so bad for occasional nap. :blobyes:
  • Comfy
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Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey

A Tempe, Arizona, Home Depot employee is facing a federal charge, after authorities said he repeatedly took cash from the store and replaced it with counterfeit currency before depositing it in the bank, according to a criminal complaint.
Between January 2018 and January 2022, Home Depot recorded $387,000 in losses due to counterfeit notes in their bank deposits, the Secret Service said.
This person got too greedy. He should have stopped at $100,000 and continued working for Home Depot for a year or so then look for another job.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Brando's probably partly responsible for perpetuating certain patriarchical stereotypes and ways of life but damn this is one awesome instance I didn't know of.

Shame on the Hollywood elite for booing and almost assaulting the respectful lady, many of them doing so were infuential until recently if not still celebrated.
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Dec 8, 2018
Brando's probably partly responsible for perpetuating certain patriarchical stereotypes and ways of life but damn this is one awesome instance I didn't know of.

Shame on the Hollywood elite for booing and almost assaulting the respectful lady, many of them doing so were infuential until recently if not still celebrated.
Yeah John Wayne literally had to be held back to stop him assaulting her.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Wait... Seagal is (still, as in past the 80s) legit? Jesse aka the Karate Nerd is & seems impressed here.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever

yoooo, what is the global effects of such an eruption? Look at this scale...
Remember this?

Literally stronger by multiple magnitudes than Krakatoa!
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old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
All I want to do is enhance (like an editor) the AI written content I generated last night, listen to music, and watch the latest RedLetterMedia but instead I have to mow the lawn like a caveman.