Community The MetaVerse VR thread (hardware/software/etc, all platforms)


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
This looks like a really well done Skyrim VR mod to enhance immersion and the overall feel and ease of use in VR. Even at its most basic it's a pretty extensive overhaul to just grab something manually or with alyx style grav pull and then just put it over your shoulder to inventory instead of a drab point and click deal.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Didn't see that coming, guess that makes the EE worth it over normal + mods.
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Sleeper must awaken
Dec 9, 2018
The skyrim Higgs mod looks really impressive, might make me install it again. Also I am glad Medal of Honor is getting a lot of patches as it's a game I want to pick up down the line (when I have enough SSD space).


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Steam's 2020 saw VR game sales go up 32% year on year (and another 39% if they include Alyx, I'm not sure why they wouldn't or what the deal is with this part) and a fairly impresssive 1.7 million new/first time VR users, among other stats that can be found here:
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Looks like the MSFS team is attempting to implement VR controller support among other VR goodies.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

This should be good, rumblings of a massive Half-Life: Alyx campaign with new characters and environments based on Goldeneye 007 (but with HL lore?!).
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

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Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
My cousin is asking whats the best entry level VR system at the mo in terms of price to performance? I gave him some of my old PC parts a couple of years ago so he does have access to a system - 4790k, 1080,
I read that the Quest is a good all in one unit.
Is there a good HMD that would be better for his system? Seems like there is a fair amount of choice around currently. Good for VR.
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Dead & Forgotten
Sep 5, 2018
My cousin is asking whats the best entry level VR system at the mo in terms of price to performance? I gave him some of my old PC parts a couple of years ago so he does have access to a system - 4790k, 1080,
I read that the Quest is a good all in one unit.
Is there a good HMD that would be better for his system? Seems like there is a fair amount of choice around currently. Good for VR.
i'd go with Odyssey+ ... especially with all the facebook fuckery going on with their VR right now
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
If he uses Facebook at all or has no problem doing so (not like any big tech account is better tbh) then I'd just say go for an Oculus Quest 2, you simply cannot beat that price for what it offers in screen/lens quality, build quality, resolution, tracking quality without external sensors, controller quality as Oculus still have the best controllers and easiest setup and their api is more supported than WMR (but SteamVR/OpenXR still reigns supreme and works with everything, potential hiccups aside), plus the better PC VR games can be pretty demanding like any PC game (edit: but that system is pretty beast so is gonna be fine for sure) so he at least gets to play the better stand alone stuff in good form using it like a console in that case, also sharing it around the house regardless of where the PC is etc. You're just gonna have to also find a good USB cable to buy to use it with PC VR games, there are homebrew wireless software solutions but that all depends on where the router/PC/Quest will be and all that stuff, it's not gonna be reliable for everyone, don't buy in wireless hype as the be all end all (yet).
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Average Date a Live Enjoyer
Jan 23, 2020
Out of curiosity, how well supported are the Valve Knuckles outside of Alyx and Boneworks? How many notable titles make use of the full finger-tracking and don't just emulate the standard Grip Button with it?

Pretty happy with my Quest 2 & Virtual Desktop due to the wireless nature of it all, but if the Index can provide a meaningful upgrade for enough PCVR titles in exchange for being wired then I'm interested in dropping $1K for it.

Also uh, anyone know how WIDMOVR compares to VROptician? Negligible difference? What about production/shipping times of the former? VRO's Lenses for Quest 2 are certainly "World Class German Factory" quality, but that also meant being backlogged for weeks behind all the other stuff Carl Zeiss produces.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Most titles that support Index finger tracking were older games that work with all controllers just fine and the finger tracking was added later and is cosmetic more than anything (I read a lot about it being less convenient than other controllers at times because it's tricky to set the grip sensitivity for grabbing/holding/using objects compared to the trigger input too) save for stuff like Boneworks and Alyx (and the former also works just fine without if you look at the devs' own comparisons early on), as far as I can tell. I really never felt like I'm missing anything except for Alyx' peculiar decision to curl up your Index finger as soon as you naturally rest it on the trigger (rather than press it in) so you end up walking around like [UWSL]👌as the default pose rather than other games' more natural default hand position which made me "will" myself to just keep an open palm (obviously not letting go of the controller) when not using stuff to match the game rather than have the game match me better (or closed fists instead) I wish they fixed/changed that already so that finger only curls further when you press the trigger in. It worries me that any game primarily made with SteamVR and Index controllers in mind as any PC dev is bound to upgrade eventually might have that same issue in the future despite working fine technically if it's not just an Alyx thing but rather how they implement controller/hand tracking in dev tools. Worth mentioning WMR doesn't get that "problem" because it doesn't have touch sensitive triggers for them to mistakenly apply the input, you have to press it in to get anything. But there's no WMR that's a huge upgrade over Quest yet, save for G2's resolution alone and all the same lesserWMR aspects as any.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Index is cool for what it is but I'm sure we'll see much more precise and natural iterations, where input based stuff just work fine as they have in decades. I think part of the hype is all the Vive users upgrading to finally well made and convenient VR controllers compared to the original eh Vive wands to be honest. Huge upgrade there. I just wish all devs took the effort to match your in game hand size/position as well as Oculus stuff like the First Contact demo do, that shit was surreal when first jumping in, I was looking at my arm under the nose gap and it naturally extended into the game world exactly where/as it should be, so natural and comfy, with the thumb, index finger and grip also roughly tracked based on if you're resting them on any inputs or not. If all games did this it'd be enough, instead even when they do implement pointing and thumbs up and what not they feel more like preset gestures that don't quite match up to your real hands as well as that. Most games that have Oculus api as an option even in their Steam version get it better, but their custom hand models etc. can still feel off.[/UWSL]
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Average Date a Live Enjoyer
Jan 23, 2020
In any case, I caved and ordered an Index Full-Kit (and Prescription Lenses) a few hours ago. Guess I'll join the club and hold on to my Quest 2 for Exclusives and anything that I'd rather play wirelessly. Out of curiosity, I noticed the Full Kit is 2 Weeks Give/Take for Shipping - But the Individual Headset is 8+ Weeks still. I assume that due to the Production Issues GabeN mentioned in his latest interview they're giving priority to Full Kit customers and dumping Piecemeal-buyers in "Low Priority Queue" then?

I actually like the Quest 2 quite a lot with Virtual Desktop, so I'm not buying an Index out of gripes with it or Facebook or any of that. It's just that I have interest in VR development and I don't think Virtual Desktop nor Oculus Link is practical to develop against. Especially not if I want to properly target SteamVR support. Actually had some ideas for a project I wanted to start on on the side, until of course my Rift S got bricked and stopped any plans there.
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Me llamo Willy y no hice la mili, pero vendo Chili
Sep 7, 2018
In any case, I caved and ordered an Index Full-Kit (and Prescription Lenses) a few hours ago. Guess I'll join the club and hold on to my Quest 2 for Exclusives and anything that I'd rather play wirelessly. Out of curiosity, I noticed the Full Kit is 2 Weeks Give/Take for Shipping - But the Individual Headset is 8+ Weeks still. I assume that due to the Production Issues GabeN mentioned in his latest interview they're giving priority to Full Kit customers and dumping Piecemeal-buyers in "Low Priority Queue" then?

I actually like the Quest 2 quite a lot with Virtual Desktop, so I'm not buying an Index out of gripes with it or Facebook or any of that. It's just that I have interest in VR development and I don't think Virtual Desktop nor Oculus Link is practical to develop against. Especially not if I want to properly target SteamVR support. Actually had some ideas for a project I wanted to start on on the side, until of course my Rift S got bricked and stopped any plans there.
Don't really take those delivery times too seriously, they will change quite quick, reports are that people are getting their headsets/packs in mere few days, hopefully it will be the same for you :cat-heart-blob:
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

I hope they eventually upgrade Combat too, sure it was less popular than the Arena side but it was paid DLC and they've yet to make it free or port to Quest.
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Average Date a Live Enjoyer
Jan 23, 2020
So my stress-levels are through the ROOF right now because FedEx just hit me with "Delivery exception Incorrect address - Apartment/Suite number " to the EXACT same address I've been receiving packages to From FedEx without issue for months now. The Delivery Address I see written on the tracker is literally 1:1 identical to that of the addresses on the trackers of two other packages I got this same week.


Average Date a Live Enjoyer
Jan 23, 2020
UPDATE: Alright Index arrived safely today and I've got it set up now and downloading updates for it Now just to play the VROptician waiting-game, because fuck me I hate having to wear my old glasses since they're the only ones that safely fit in any HMD face-gaskets.

BTW, did Onward get some form of de-Downgraded on PC at some point?

Joe Spangle

Apr 17, 2019
I really liked the first Expect you to Die. Was one of my first VR games. Good mix of puzzles and humour.


Jan 26, 2019
Where is the foam adjustment pad located on the Valve index? I am sending my headset in to be replaced due to a dead pixel, and they said I can keep the face gasket and the foam adjustment pad.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
They probably mean the pad that goes to the back of your head I guess, maybe you never used that and it's in the box or you forgot you set it up there.
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Jan 26, 2019
They probably mean the pad that goes to the back of your head I guess, maybe you never used that and it's in the box or you forgot you set it up there.
Thanks, yeah I think I found a picture of it on google image search, I never used it.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Dec 17, 2018
Any updates for Lone Echo 2? I remembered there was plans for a march release in 2020, but then...nothing.