SaberVS7 I wish i could help but i've been so busy with work and random chaos that i haven't been watching my regular streams and didn't even know there was a Live scheduled up. Also, i'm in Europe so...
Hope you manage to find some and not get scammed by price!
On the subject of Chibi debuts... Pina had her Chibi debut this weekend in VRChat too!
It's really cute and Pina was totally hyped and having a great time. Ya love to see it.
She also brought back her old intro music, so much nostalgia there.
( i actually used to get confused when other VTubers started to use this track because it was so greatly associated with Pina in my mind lol )
Congrats on the Chibi debut, 3rd Anniversary and new merch, Pina!
Phase Connect had the results announcement/celebration stream for their cli pping contest last night and my face was hurting from laughing.
Some of the clippers are amazing and the girls give them such great material. Poor Sakana, he puts up with a LOT lol.
I'll post some clips later, i gotta get to work quick! ha