|OT| This is the Anime Thread, Darling~~


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Ep. 17 of Mushoku Tensei, oof. Big emotional payoff the last two episodes but especially this one. I really love this one. It's an isekai but manages to feel quite fresh.

Up to Ep. 17 of Demon Slayer also, and my interest is beginning to wane severely. These sidekicks are awful and so one note. 😓 The shonen tropes are showing too. >_< bah. I think i'll finish out this season given how close i am, but i dunno if i'll continue to Season 2 with how it's going so far...

Ep. 7 of Wonder Egg Priority. Really liking this one... something feels a tad off though and i can't place it. Like maybe... there is more to the plot and it's not coming through yet. Or at least it's not been made obvious... Almost like a Madoka situation?
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Another good Ghost Game episode. Also lmao that the "Cursed Song" the episode is about is the first ending theme from Adventure 2020 😂 (the song is good, but the show not from everything I've heard).
I hope that they'll shake things up soon though, or things might get repetitive.

I've also binged the first half of the 2nd 86 cour and yep. Good stuff. Really good stuff. Will probably wait until the end of the season and then binge the rest.
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Oct 9, 2018
Bunch of new announcements from Anime Limited for upcoming blu ray releases :D

Blood c
El Hazard
Kakegurui S1
Boogiepop Phantom
Belladonna of Sadness
Seraph of the End
Code Geass movie 1-4
Silver Spoon S1+2
Cardcaptor Sakura
Mu Hime
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
No updates yet on my other watches, but man... Mushoku Tensei 18 was last night. And they just keep pouring on the feels. 😅 All these family reunions... They must be buttering us up for some tough drama soon...


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
on a whim, I watched the first F/SN Heaven's Feel movie yesterday. And man, I had lots of fanboy moments. And the production values are insaneeeee.

I wanted to binge the next two movies ASAP, but I recognized in my condition that probably it was better to sleep so i did. But today! Today I will binge those.

Updates for some of my other watches...

Wonder Egg Priority: 10/12 Episodes down, we've reached the point where it seems to be falling apart the end. Introducing all these new things and concepts but without explanation... It's almost like a 2nd season was being planned for but they couldn't land funding or interest or something... =/
Still props to the animation studio!! Every episode is beautiful, like a movie.

Kimetsu no Yaiba: 19/26 Episodes down. Not a whole lot of good to say about this. It looks pretty. But it reminds me why I largely gave up with Shounen series.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Has there been any news on the Blu-ray release of the final EVA rebuild? I'm waiting for that to do a re-watch of 1-3 and than finally cap it off with the 4th and final...

On the subject of movies, I did indeed binge the last two F/SN Heaven's Feel movies the day I said I would. And my god.... they were amazing! Absolutely superb take on the VN route. (if a bit compressed for time of course). It was exceptional in every regard, from cinematography and pacing to music and bombastic visuals.

... Just spectacular the whole way through. Doubly so as a lifetime F/SN | Nasuverse fan.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Just watched "A Silent Voice" whooooooo, that's a ride.
Some totally beautiful scenes and some very good framing. Also excellent use of sound and music i think. Great voicework too but damn i just wanted to shake the whole lot of them so i suppose it's a success? Bed time now it's nearly 2am, can't write long thoughtful post.
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Reactions: 「Echo」 and Kvik


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
My Zavvi "Exclusive" Neon Genesis Evangelion Bluray boxset has turned up today while i was meetings all morning. Nice.
A week early and i'd forgotten about it.

  • Gib
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Reactions: Kvik and 「Echo」


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
Eva Collector's Edition review. It seems that the video presentation is the same as the Japanese release. Sounds like there's no DNR to be seen, which is good.



Jun 3, 2020
Opening of Girls' Frontline is out.

Random thoughts
  • Opening is great. Looks very different from the main anime shown in PV1 and 2 though,
  • Not sure why SOPMOD becomes the erotic character here. Did I miss anything?
  • LOVE M4's moment of thinking of her squad mates
  • The early story of GFL is not that good, and it seems that 404 will play a limited role in the anime... bummer. GFL needs at least two seasons for its story to shine
  • I don't really like this commander from the manga. Let's see if they will change some of her controversial behavior


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Somebody smack sense into me. 😩

I'm 3 eps from completing Wonder Egg Priority but I'm scared because the ending is widely lauded as absolute trashfire, and I can already see it unwinding from Episode 10. Until this point everything has been stunning and very good.

I haven't been able to keep up with Season 2 of Mushoku Tensei like i had been due to medical and busy reasons. I really enjoy this series and think it's one of the better isekai, but now I'm like 5 eps behind and it feels hard to find the time to sit and catch up all at once.

... And I've given up on Demon Slayer. The artsy veneer has worn thing. The shounen tropes underneath are showing and I cannot stand this anime's side characters. So I consider this one dropped.

Despite all this trouble, i find myself wanting to watch the monogatari series beginning to end lol. Quite a task... I even own the novels too which i'm supposed to read. I've seen Bakemono, Nisemono, and parts of the second season but never managed to watch ALL of it despite loving SHAFT animation quality and Nisioisn stories...

Anyway that's why I haven't posted in this thread for a while.

Opening of Girls' Frontline is out.

Random thoughts
  • Opening is great. Looks very different from the main anime shown in PV1 and 2 though,
  • Not sure why SOPMOD becomes the erotic character here. Did I miss anything?
  • LOVE M4's moment of thinking of her squad mates
  • The early story of GFL is not that good, and it seems that 404 will play a limited role in the anime... bummer. GFL needs at least two seasons for its story to shine
  • I don't really like this commander from the manga. Let's see if they will change some of her controversial behavior
As someone who played GFL and dug into the lore extensively, I actually think it kinda started to lose itself and go off the rails when they scoped out from the Sangvis conflict. And I'm definitely not sure why the anime is making certain choices which you also point out... Maybe they thought it was just a bit too drab and depressing lol. Which to be fair, it very much is during the whole Sangvis conflict. From the Virus to the """"betrayal"""" lol.

  • Eyes
Reactions: Cacher


Jun 3, 2020
As someone who played GFL and dug into the lore extensively, I actually think it kinda started to lose itself and go off the rails when they scoped out from the Sangvis conflict. And I'm definitely not sure why the anime is making certain choices which you also point out... Maybe they thought it was just a bit too drab and depressing lol. Which to be fair, it very much is during the whole Sangvis conflict. From the Virus to the """"betrayal"""" lol.

Yeah, about the virus, it's nice to see there is a reference in the opening. AR15 carrying an umbrella.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Saw this over on discord and figured some here might be interested too. 50% off HiDive annual subscription for new accounts.
It's the Sentai streaming service. I signed up as it's £2 a month so i'm sure i'll get my money's worth... if i can stop watching VTubers.

The offer finishes 1159 dec 29 PST which i think is 7am Dec 30 GMT.

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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Saw this over on discord and figured some here might be interested too. 50% off HiDive annual subscription for new accounts.
It's the Sentai streaming service. I signed up as it's £2 a month so i'm sure i'll get my money's worth... if i can stop watching VTubers.

The offer finishes 1159 dec 29 PST which i think is 7am Dec 30 GMT.

I was signed up to Hidive earlier this year, since they do offer some exclusives you can't get on other stream services and unlike Hulu/Crunchyroll they also offer uncensored versions of anime when they can.

I had to cancel though. Too many subs all around (don't we all have this problem?) and I'm waiting to see how the Crunchyroll acquisition by Sony shakes out. Honestly hoping the Funimation catalog gets folded in here...
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I actually have very few subs. Just Amazon Prime & music for monthly. HiDive and Giant Bomb are single-payment yearly subs when there's a sale on. No Netflix, HBO, etc as i mainly watch youtube or blurays these days when i'm not playing games or working so for me £24 was worth it even if i do cancel next year when i have to play full price. Let my PS+ lapse two years ago, no GamePass oh i do have the basic Nintendo sub as it's like £13 a year.

I was thinking of Crunchy Roll after years of not bothering but then they got acquired so like you i'm waiting to see what happens next.
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Reactions: Kvik


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
Well I did it lol. Started up Monogatari again even though I shouldn't have.

It's really a bit timeless this series I feel like. Mainly thanks to SHAFT's style, but even the dialog is just so witty and playful. My planned watch-order is as follows.

Kizumonogatari (New for me)
Nekomonogatari Black
Nekomonogatari White
Kabukimonogatari (All new for me from here to bottom)
Owarimonogatari I
Owarimonogatari II
Zoku Owarimonogatari

😅 It's quite a bit, so... slow and steady! Probably... Hopefully. An Episode a night? I think i will try for that.


Coffee Lover ♥☕
Feb 29, 2020
Since I ordered the Neon Genesis Evangelion set, I finally purchased a blu-ray player and have been slowly picking up some of my favorite classics.

So far:
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Black Lagoon
Samurai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell
(These were on deep, deep sales and guilty pleasures of mine)
Love Lab

What I plan:
Rest of Ghost in the Shell series
Space Dandy
Samurai 7
Ergo Proxy
Tatami Galaxy
Ping Pong

What I cannot find:
Baccanno! :crying-face:

Interested, but have not watched:

I do not plan to pick up every show that I have ever liked, mostly just the classics and not hundreds of episodes like Gintama or One Piece. Though one of the hardest things is trying to remember all of the shows I have seen over the years and can recall haha.

Also not an anime in the slightest, but I also picked up Columbo and it is a really good series, this skit is funnier if you know how Columbo acts, but it is good stuff.



Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever

Oooo, god I loved Ergo Proxy. The early Manglobe days of Champloo > Proxy > Michiko to Hatchin were just... amazing. Few animation studios can claim to have a similar stretch of pure awesomeness.

Canaan is interesting too. I guess it's a spin-off from the VN 428

But even without this knowledge, I quite enjoyed it. (Haven't played 428 myself... yet!)

Ghost in the Shell too... :photoblobheart:

will you also get GitS ARISE stuff? I feel like ARISE is unfairly bashed because it's not SAC lol and the visuals changed. But the core of GitS, the philosophy and general feel is all still there. I quite enjoyed ARISE myself, beginning to end.
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Coffee Lover ♥☕
Feb 29, 2020

Ghost in the Shell too... :photoblobheart:

will you also get GitS ARISE stuff? I feel like ARISE is unfairly bashed because it's not SAC lol and the visuals changed. But the core of GitS, the philosophy and general feel is all still there. I quite enjoyed ARISE myself, beginning to end.
Interesting, I had no idea about Canaan being tied to 428 Shibuya Scramble. Definitely going to check it out.

Will definitely get Arise, more GitS is always welcome. :highfiveblob:
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Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
I finally purchased a blu-ray player
Great investment! I can recommend the 4K releases of Your Name and Akira (JP release). Both has HDR and they both look especially stunning.

I'm considering buying the 4K release of GitS as well although I must have bought 3 copies at this stage (VHS/DVD/BR) :flare_lmao:

Haven't played 428 myself... yet!
I was about to gift you a copy if you don't own it but looks like you've put in a few hours into it already. It is in my personal top 10 kami VN. I definitely recommend it, despite its PC features shortcomings.

I had no idea about Canaan being tied to 428 Shibuya Scramble.
A certain notorious production studio is credited for Canaan in the anime, as well as for the VN itself. :mion_vibing:


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
I bought an Archon external HD Bluray drive a few months ago and managed to get the one based on the LG BU drive so i can change firmware when i need to make it compatible with MakeMKV. Which is nice.

Thread bump has reminded me i still have Evangelion Box Set, Garden of Sinners Box Set, Made in Abyss and Spiderverse to watch and that's not including stuff on my HiDive sub so any recommendations there would be great!


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I was about to gift you a copy if you don't own it but looks like you've put in a few hours into it already. It is in my personal top 10 kami VN. I definitely recommend it, despite its PC features shortcomings.
A certain notorious production studio is credited for Canaan in the anime, as well as for the VN itself. :mion_vibing:
Oh, thanks for being thoughtful!! but yes, I already have 428. I think my few hours came from card idling lol, back when i could be bothered. I haven't actually gotten around to reading it just yet, but i sure would like to.

... And yes, a certain production studio... :fingergunsblob: The whole reason I was interested in Canaan from the start tbh. But in the end, it never had any overall connection to Nasuverse or anything. Still it was interesting enough on it's own. :blobyes:
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Next year could be shaping up nicely...

Hopefully/obviously these are just pre-production clips as i think they're missing a LOT of the dynamics that the Initial-D series had that made everything seem more alive and exciting.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Slightly OT but it fits here.

Dan Povenmire has worked on Phineas and Ferb and... Family Guy.


Jun 3, 2020
Girl's (Doll's) Frontline 01

Haha, the budget is apparently limited, but as a fan I enjoyed this pilot a lot. It's so nice to see these characters getting animated. I can vouch for GFL's story, sadly the first climax should be near the end of season 1. So people who are expecting a great story need to wait a bit. Later half of Season 2 (if there is one) would be the story finally entering full gear, delivering constant sad and despair hope and happiness to viewers.

Look forward to the debut of UMP45 (and hopefully M1895).

Oh, last but not least, Agent in the show looks like a hentai maid who loves showing off her undergarment. :ROFLMAO:
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Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Ghost Game episode 13 just went from 0 to 100 real quick. Absolutely amazeballs.
We just went from mostly misunderstandings, talking things out and occassionally clobbering some bad guys with ultimately no lasting harm done to an episode featuring a Digimon having a literal kill count of other digimons closing in on a thousand - many of which were on screen deaths in this episode, with even an ally digimon biting the bullet.
Then we get a "dark" evolution of Gammamon into GalusGammamon, but not because Hiro goes beserk, but because Gammamon itself does - and "beserk" is kind of the wrong word, GalusGammamon is far from a raging, dumb beserker. Might just be my favorite "dark" form in the franchise? Although calling it a dark form might be a stretch, because there are lots of hints that this might be Gammamon's natural evolution.
I love how they play with the Digimon series tropes.
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Coffee Lover ♥☕
Feb 29, 2020
I planned to pick up Blurays of random series I enjoyed only to find out some series have hardcoded or locked English subtitles. In particular Sentai Filmworks.

This means you cannot change color, size, and most importantly, turn it off.

Apparently, to prevent reverse import, some licenses require this. How in the hell do companies not realize how easy it is to download clean bluray rips. Why should paying customers be treated worse. Now I have to check lists before I order.
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Jun 3, 2020
Ghost Game episode 13 just went from 0 to 100 real quick. Absolutely amazeballs.
We just went from mostly misunderstandings, talking things out and occassionally clobbering some bad guys with ultimately no lasting harm done to an episode featuring a Digimon having a literal kill count of other digimons closing in on a thousand - many of which were on screen deaths in this episode, with even an ally digimon biting the bullet.
Then we get a "dark" evolution of Gammamon into GalusGammamon, but not because Hiro goes beserk, but because Gammamon itself does - and "beserk" is kind of the wrong word, GalusGammamon is far from a raging, dumb beserker. Might just be my favorite "dark" form in the franchise? Although calling it a dark form might be a stretch, because there are lots of hints that this might be Gammamon's natural evolution.
I love how they play with the Digimon series tropes.


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2021
so is Fate Grand/Order good? I've played only a little of the game and I really enjoyed Stay/Night and Zero.


Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
so is Fate Grand/Order good? I've played only a little of the game and I really enjoyed Stay/Night and Zero.
FGO is gacha hell. The rates are absolutely unforgiving. So it largely depends on your stomach for tolerating that. Also despite it's massive profitably the game is decidedly low-tech. Which, granted makes it more accessible but still. Compared to more modern gacha games, tbh, I'm pretty sure the only draw FGO has left is the story. Which honestly, taken as a whole is the greatest story any Gacha has ever produced, but few other mobile games have such a deep lore to pull from so it's not that surprising.

Uhm, anyway. It's piss poor to actually play. The story is the only reason I keep going. That and probably the fact that I've sunk over $20K (lifetime) into it. 😅

Earlier as I made my post in the music thread I came upon this. (Mute if you don't like the music.)

Nobody told me Castlevania anime went this hard!! Now I wanna watch it... Did Netflix ever release it outside of Netflix or I have to subscribe?


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2021
FGO is gacha hell. The rates are absolutely unforgiving. So it largely depends on your stomach for tolerating that. Also despite it's massive profitably the game is decidedly low-tech. Which, granted makes it more accessible but still. Compared to more modern gacha games, tbh, I'm pretty sure the only draw FGO has left is the story. Which honestly, taken as a whole is the greatest story any Gacha has ever produced, but few other mobile games have such a deep lore to pull from so it's not that surprising.

Uhm, anyway. It's piss poor to actually play. The story is the only reason I keep going. That and probably the fact that I've sunk over $20K (lifetime) into it. 😅

Earlier as I made my post in the music thread I came upon this. (Mute if you don't like the music.)

Nobody told me Castlevania anime went this hard!! Now I wanna watch it... Did Netflix ever release it outside of Netflix or I have to subscribe?
:cold-sweat: I meant, is the anime of Fate Grand/Order good?