I am... working up my anxiety and it's making my stomach churn.
Living in America without insurance, sickness already scares me. I live in a smol town, in a smol county, in NY. I thought it would be well isolated from this, not to the point of "oh it won't come here" but I did think it would take longer. Than yesterday, 3 cases are confirmed in my county. Not locals. But people from the city with Vacation houses moved here to isolate... and brought it with them.
I'm young, just 27. But I've had Asthma since I was born. It got easier to live with as a I grew, almost no impact on my daily life. But it always without fail flairs up when I catch colds/infections. The common cold is gone from my parents within a week, yet for me the same virus will carry on for 3. Allergy season is upon us too, and I get hay fever like crazy every year without fail. (Which also flairs up my Asthma.)
Neither of my jobs, (I work 2), can be digitized or done from home. Both involve heavy person-to-person interaction, and neither are likely to shutdown entirely unless via Government mandate. By day I butcher meat at a Super market, by evening and night I am a bartender.
... I am distraught. The more I think on it, the worse I feel.