Community MetaSteam | August 2021 - Openness Is Its Superpower

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Sep 20, 2018
Unrelated to anything: been playing Wolfenstein: The New Order recently and it is indeed very very good. Was surprised by how loveable a character B.J. is and how much I am invested in the story. I do wish it had manual quicksaves though (I hear Wolf 2 has them, so I'm glad they agree with me haha).

Aaron D.

Jul 10, 2019
I obviously wanted it to do better, but it was always going to have a limited appeal... so yes, I think that's a good result.

I just hope Microsoft is happy with it and about having a critical success, and does not force Double Fine to try to go for a more generic "mass market" game.
Given the vast number of titles releasing on Steam each & every day, even landing in the weekly Top 10 should be considered a victory for any developer.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
So here is a sad little anecdote about last night:

Started “playing” Beyond Two Souls (I know…)

About an hour in I got to a more action based QTE tutorial when I noticed the game wasn’t reading my gamepad stick events correctly about half the time (this is on a standard Xbox One wired controller). Start messing around with Steam Input to see if I can fix it….

Controls get a little crazy and end up selecting “New Game” and confirming it. So now I had to replay the first hour including a godawful “teen party” scene.

So my question is this: If your big shtick is to have multiple endings/paths…. would it be so hard to at least let the player skip the dialog? :p


OG old coot
Oct 16, 2018
I'd assume it's because the packaging is cumbersome.
Just put normal Win32 exes on there already MS.
They have, for the past year or so.
You just don't have access rights to the install folder, but MSStore games haven't been using UWP for a while.
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Apr 17, 2019
I'm one weekly quest away from a 1k points reward in Microsoft Rewards app, and neither of the remaining quests work on PC, even though the games are available on GP PC.

This shit happens way too often. Phil pls.


Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
Tangent Time!
Seeing this talk of Vending machines reminded me of these vids.

Begiragons - Vending Machine Game

Begiragons' Gacha Bike Series are great too!
Then Megwin, Falco and Bandy left and it kinda died off as they lost the focus of the channel.

Silvervale's Virtual Tours of Tokyo with Real-Life RobCDee
( Basically Rob is walking around Tokyo/Akihabara and streaming to both channels on his phone )

RobCDee is great, here's his twitch channel, his youtube is mainly highlights.
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Dec 22, 2018
Hentai has basically been the Japanese PC market for a while now. There use to be other games that would release on PC but that stopped after the PS1 era from what I remember, there was still those doujin games like Touhou that were being made but nothing else than that. It has changed again and there is now more indie games being made there.

And yeah there are stores in Akihabara that will sell Eroge (costing over $90USD) but you also have stores like Tsukumo that sell PC stuff. Stuff is different there especially because there also seems to be a used PC games market where you have very old stuff still being sold for very high prices that people will likely never end up buying.

I could tell you a little more about some stuff if you are curious (based over what I have seen/read online)
I would be interested in learning more if you wanted to PM me or toss a few links my way.

This article is absolutely based and sicklepilled.

Next step, we finally get rid of theft by abolishing private property

I know you're likely joking, but so long as there are capital markets for games where there is money to be made, there will be gray markets for those same games. There is no way to eliminate these, ever.. Even 'no-keys sales' would eventually have this problem as stores find ways around the new limitations if there is money to be made in doing so
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Apr 22, 2019
Tangent Time!
Seeing this talk of Vending machines reminded me of these vids.

Begiragons - Vending Machine Game

Begiragons' Gacha Bike Series are great too!
Freaking Begidragons. I remember watching these guys play the Burger game and being all jealous of getting eat all that American junkfood.
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Jun 8, 2020
JoyBuggy seems to be a new store. I assume they are legit?
Yes, they are new store that appeared on itad. I've made a few checks up on the store and it seems based on Denmark.
I don't think I've ever seen a non-legit/suspicious store on itad in my whole life although that doesn't mean blind faith they are very trustworthy on what stores they add.

JoyBuggy was born a pure Danish reseller back in 2018, after some years of hardwork in Denmark, we did decide to open for sales from Europe, we did that in Jan 2021. So on the Europe/WW marked we are all new. We have a great range of publishers, from the biggest to the smaller hidden gems. We want to offer our customers, a great selection of games for every taste.
We have agreements with our publishers, offers DE on some publishers (like Ubisoft), and have been verified by the r/GameDeals team.
Source: JoyBuggy (u/JoyBuggy) - Reddit

They seem to be working on adding Paypal and other features to the store as you can read on some of the comments on the link above.

It's presses fault for not making proper news about it :p
You are right Master Yoki, the news came a bit late but I spotted them on Steam news hub

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Oct 9, 2018
Yeah 12 minutes is a bit frustrating
It’s not as much the looping that’s getting me it’s the puzzles. I was never good at the old PnC adventure games back in the day and it’s giving me a little of those vibes.

Bunch of things either not working when you think they should or not knowing how to do something you want. Although I suppose if it wasn’t for the way the looping is handled may figure some of this out quicker.
After about an hour of fumbling with no progress I’m using a guide, which slightly undermines the point of games like this of course 😞
Maybe a hint system or something would have helped
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None shall remember those who do not fight.
Dec 6, 2018
I didn't say UWP, I said packaging. As far as I am aware, there are still very specific packaging requirements for anything on Gamepass.
That'd be AppX, right?
I know Microsoft said they'd start allowing normal-ass apps with Windows 11. Though for right now, there haven't been any major updates to Win11 in the past couple weeks, it's all minor updates and stuff to do with the native Teams app and the widget panel. It's kind of annoying since right at the start MS seemed really responsive with fixing issues.
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Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
All of these arguments about the Trails into Reverie TL on Twitter right now is exhausting... how's everyone else doing this Sunday?
Finally getting over an infection while playing Tormented Souls :steam_pigblanket:

Fun game by the way, it's pretty much indie Silent Hill which makes it have like more of a budget than all Silent Hill games combined.


Excluding exclusives
Jan 12, 2019
I've been playing some more Bloodstained and a few scenarios of Train Sim World 2. Both games are fun, but require some online research/help to figure out what to do.
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Sep 11, 2018
I was talking about
using the blood healing shard to enter the blood well. The description of the shard says it extracts health from enemies...
Oh, that just seemed the most obvious thing to me actually. Big fountain of blood, map displaying that you should be able to go down from there, suspicious spot in the middle there that's deeper than the other parts. I thought it couldn't have been more obvious sign that hey, come back here later. It was the first thing I did after I got the shard. :blobmorning2:

I had to look up that part last night. Seriously, that's some ridiculous BS game design. 😟
Yup. Gating progression behind a random enemy drop is crap.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
All of these arguments about the Trails into Reverie TL on Twitter right now is exhausting...
Let me guess, people are still willing to support that doomed to fail translation project and lower their standard even more~ :mion_ohoho:

how's everyone else doing this Sunday?
Playing CS3 of course. Chapter 2 is potentially even longer than Zero Chapter 3. :flare_lmao:


Oct 24, 2018
All of these arguments about the Trails into Reverie TL on Twitter right now is exhausting... how's everyone else doing this Sunday?
Let me guess, people are still willing to support that doomed to fail translation project and lower their standard even more~ :mion_ohoho:
So I looked this up and hang on. Some idiots announced a fan translation for a game already getting localized and people are upset that NISA sent them a C&D? Lmao what the hell did they expect?

And I have no sympathy whatsoever for the "iT's TaKiNg ToO lOnG!!!11" argument. We're getting FOUR Trails games in the next couple of years. If that's not good enough for you, have you considered that maybe, just maybe, you're an entitled fucking baby?

This notion that being behind on the Japanese releases is somehow going to tank the series in the West is so fucking ridiculous, too. We've always been behind and it's been doing just fine. It's never going to reach Persona levels of popularity regardless of the release schedule lol.

And even if the localizations were somehow able to catch up, they'd just fall behind again immediately because Falcom puts these out pretty quickly and (unless this has changed) won't let their partners touch the games until they're already out in Japan.


Crossbell City Councillor
Dec 6, 2018
So I looked this up and hang on. Some idiots announced a fan translation for a game already getting localized and people are upset that NISA sent them a C&D? Lmao what the hell did they expect?
From a reverse-engineering/modding standpoint, their decryption tool (if exists and/or is open-sourced) is beneficial as that can lead to text insertion of the other two localisation (Korean and Chinese) possible in the NISA's version, assuming that the latter does not encrypt their archives.

Also personally I'm not against community translators who made the effort to make English translation readable in a spreadsheet. Incomplete as it is, without them Trails in The Database probably won't exist, and therefore past fan translation efforts probably won't be as successful either.


Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
A game can only come out once. I'd rather the version that comes out be GOOD rather than rushed because the developers were chasing releases in some other language or country.

That being said, there's been some issues with Translation quality already when they weren't rushing, so I don't see how rushing the develpment (which they are probably ALREADY doing) is going to help. Games come out when they come out. Crying about it won't help.


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
Scares me to think that fan translations can get shut down at the drop of a hat. Come to think of it, Nintendo must REALLY not give an iota of a fuck toward Mother 3...
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On a break
Apr 17, 2019
All of these arguments about the Trails into Reverie TL on Twitter right now is exhausting... how's everyone else doing this Sunday?
Slowly playing through Hajimari in Japanese. Its a bit of a challenge, and im focusing on the main content because I’d rather wait for the english release before I do a thorough playthrough, but im enjoying it enough to tide me over until 2023. I haven’t played a game entirely in JP since Ys VIII so it definitely takes some getting use to lol

also Falcom fans go 10 seconds without complaining about NISA challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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Oct 24, 2018
also Falcom fans go 10 seconds without complaining about NISA challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
I'd like to think I could manage even longer than that lol. They had a rough start, especially on PC, with Ys VIII but they've come a long way since. I've come to realize that as long as a localization isn't egregiously bad, I'm probably not going to be able to tell the difference between a fantastic one and one that's merely good. So that's no longer something I concern myself with. I haven't touched any of their Trails releases yet (been waiting for Crossbell before playing CSIII) but the redone loc for Ys VIII and more recently the Ys IX loc were both good enough for me.

That leaves only the quality of the port and that's obviously not going to be an issue as long as they keep hiring PH3.

Aaron D.

Jul 10, 2019
KInda OT but I had my first movie theater experience in what feels like a couple years and it was grand!

Saw the 5:30 showing of Pig in a theater audience of exactly 5 people including my partner & I (thank Christ I was a bit nervous). Movie was incredible but that's what all the reviews are saying so I won't bore you with that, so check it out if you have the chance.

The part that struck me was this silly routine my wife & I have at theater movies. During the previews we watch the opening trailers and give a physical thumbs up or down based on what's showing up on the screen. We're mostly aligned in our tastes so we can cast our vote almost 10 seconds into a trailer, good, bad & ugly. Sometimes our votes will change if the trailer wins us over or loses us as they go on.

When it's particularly good or bad, our non-verbal gestures can animate from a simple double-thumbs up for amped trailers to the finger to those we find stupid as hell. Sometimes it's peppered with a humorous thumbs up with one hand while the other "gun finger" hand shoots it down for particularly bad one, along with other variants of the like.

That's my takeaway from going back to the theater after so long. I never realized how much I missed that goofy shared experience element.


Junior Member
Feb 15, 2021
All of these arguments about the Trails into Reverie TL on Twitter right now is exhausting... how's everyone else doing this Sunday?
Had a nice relaxing Sunday. Finally got around to finishing Ori Will of the Wisps and finished watching Season 1 of Formula 1 Drive to Survive. Decided to watch my first F1 race with a friend but there was no race due to rain so that was an amusing first experience.

If anyone is interested Tale Of Immortal's English update should be coming out soon. There was a discord announcement for the English version and they posted a google form for feedback but it looks like the update hasn't been pushed out yet.


Coffee Lover ♥☕
Feb 29, 2020
I miss going to the cinema. We would go once a month at a local-ish place that served pretty good food. Made it perfect so you did not have to plan dinner around trying to get to the show on time. They would also have special showings of older films, which was a real treat. It was fun to make a whole event around it.

A lot of the issues folks had with theaters never really happened there since they had assigned seating (that you could pick if you ordered early), no late arrivals, and after 7 or 8PM they had only 21+ hours. They were also really clear they would kick anyone out who used a phone during the movie, so there were never any issues. Now they are closed indefinitely with no plans of reopening. :crying-face:

I think the last movie I watched was Sonic the Hedgehog hahah, hoping that is not the last movie I see in person.


Jun 3, 2020
I went to cinema once a week in the past. Sitting in the dark, enjoying a movie with popcorn is one of the greatest relaxations in the world.

Covid took away this relaxation from me for a long time. But now things are calm here so I go there once a month. (No eating allowed, btw). The last movie I watched there is Free Guy, and it was a fun and enjoyable ride. Haven't decided what I want to watch in Sep. Maybe the next James Bond.
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