Community MetaSteam | April 2019 - "Objection!" the One Finger Fatality

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Plays too many card games
Nov 18, 2018
Watch this and then go destroy him.

So this didn't actually reach me anything I hadn't known but it did get me to try it in a calmer and more strategic approach and I fucking murdered him. So thanks for that.

Still fuck that fight. I do like this game an awful lot tho.


There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
I was watching an 'every fatality' video of MK11, some of them are fucking hilarious lmao
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"Oh yeah? Aren't you gonna punish me?"
Dec 22, 2018
I see this comment everywhere. As a non-expert of beat 'em ups, why is that?
I'm by no means expert myself but It's the only beat 'em up I really go back to every now and then.
It has more RPG elements than most, if you've played Dragon's Crown you'll find them similar.
Many routes so there's lot of replayability too outside characters.

Rogue Agent

Takes too damn long to finish games
Apr 4, 2019
For developers, how does Cross Platform Multiplayer work on Steam? Does it mean they can allow the game to be played online across all platforms (including console) or does it only mean all PC platforms?


Oct 31, 2018
uPLay's client is only loading store, I can't even see my library or do I fix this?

Fixed it by uninstalling the entire launcher. Which also uninstalled Unity but I didn't really care for that game after trying it out (maybe it click way later who knows).
Last edited:


Sep 20, 2018
I really appreciate how nice Ace Attorney looks on PC, it's pretty evident that they touched up almost all the backgrounds and added details to them. The only silly looking part so far is the court "pan out" screen, where everything looks washed out, but besides that everything else is great.

It's also nice to go over the old cases in the first two Ace Attorneys, I forgot so many details, like how Mia literally helps you investigate throughout an entire day. . Phoenix would be such a useless lawyer without supernatural help.


Time Traveler
Jan 11, 2019
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?

Also, how taxing is Total War Warhammer 2? Got a ryzen 5 1600 and rtx2060


regretten? rien!
Dec 9, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
Don't know the consensus but I played it recently and it was the worst of the new Wolfenstein games. The story was just there, it had no punch. There are a few long cutscenes, yeah. The thing where you have to get rid of the commanders quickly (and best case silently) is used way to often, sometimes every other room. Leveldesign got (way) worse. Stealth is wonky. The sidemissions are shit and all the dlcs are shit too. Music was better in the first one imo.

The shooting was nice.


Lurking in the Shadows
Dec 21, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
The problem are not the cutscenes, but just that in general the game didn't come together very well. It felt.... uninspired and with worse level design. I wouldn't call a bad game (far from it) but it was disappointing after the previous one. It still has it's moments and the shooting mechanics are good, but overall it was not a very memorable experience for me. Since it is a very uneven game, opinions will vary a lot depending what elements resonated with people, so I don't think you will get a consensus... except one: The DLC are terrible.


old school cool
Nov 1, 2018
My take on Wolfenstein 2:

  • great graphics
  • interesting set pieces and crazy events
  • less compelling narrative
  • gunplay / action feels bad
Basically the game will leave you with a lot of visual memories and not much else.

The forum just changed my + & - into devalued bullet points...
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Hentai Specialist
Sep 20, 2018
I played through half of wolf 2 and all I can remember was sprinting around like a headless chicken mashing that item pick up button :p


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
Yes, looks amazing! Is the gameplay good as well?
It's a puzzle-adventure with some light platforming. It's decent. The main draw is certainly the story, setting and artstyle though from what I've played so far.
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Sep 20, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
The "consensus" is pretty mixed, certainly. I feel that there is a lot to like in it, though. The addition of quicksaves is amazing, making so much of the frustration of the first game (when you died just before a new save point) disappear. The story goes to some really far-out places, whereas in the first game the resistance just began, here you see it turn into an outright revolution, with the aim of liberating America. It's also nice how they made General Engel into the main villain this time, she's so much more entertaining then old Deathshead Strasse. That's all I can really say without going spoilery, but I liked how the game isn't just shooty-bang bang, but also takes moments to be reflective, even pointing out its own ridiculousness at times.
The games worst sin is that doesn't have an even pace, the second half of it doesn't build to a clear event, it just goes on to where you know it will end up.

From a gameplay perspective, I really liked the additional equipment you could find to enable either stealth, better maneuvering or just enable you to smash into enemies. Felt like a nice touch.

All in all it's not as amazing as the first one, but it's not a terrible sequel either.

(I have not touched any of the DLC, looks bland)


Mar 13, 2019
Finished Turnabout Samurai yesterday, one of the most boring cases from the two AAs I played from what I remember, now comes one of the best though! Also spend this morning playing Forager, what a fun game. Time flies when playing it.


Oct 6, 2018
The best parts of wolfenstein 2 come from the cutscenes. Compare that to the previous game where many memorable moments were in the levels themselves as well as cutscenes. 2 was such a shocking disappointment in that regard.


regretten? rien!
Dec 9, 2018
The "consensus" is pretty mixed, certainly.
that we can agree on :)

I feel that there is a lot to like in it, though.
and on this one we can disagree. there is really not a lot to like in there imo.

The story goes to some really far-out places, whereas in the first game the resistance just began, here you see it turn into an outright revolution, with the aim of liberating America.
I finished the game 27/03/19 and maybe I'm just dumb but where does the game/story got to a far out place? The dismemberment? BJ's father? Where does it turn to an outright revolution? When they took 5 members from NY and 5 members from New Orleans?

It's also nice how they made General Engel into the main villain this time, she's so much more entertaining then old Deathshead Strasse. That's all I can really say without going spoilery, but I liked how the game isn't just shooty-bang bang, but also takes moments to be reflective, even pointing out its own ridiculousness at times.
I mean, Engel was for all intents and purposes already the main villain? And please spoiler me but I can't remember anything clever.

The games worst sin is that doesn't have an even pace, the second half of it doesn't build to a clear event, it just goes on to where you know it will end up.

All in all it's not as amazing as the first one, but it's not a terrible sequel either.
I think, in relation to the first 2 games, it is indeed terrible.


Junior Member
Dec 20, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
I'm currently playing through it and really enjoying it, although I understand the complaints. But I look at a lot of other (sometimes even self-appointed) "apolitical" shooters, and there's just very little that matches Wolfenstein on that front. I also feel it's rare for shooters to indulge in a topical story so much, one of my favorite parts is wandering no-combat zones and listening to all the characters' conversations and interactions,

In terms of gameplay, I approach it as a stealth game, right up until I get discovered and it devolves into a frantic shootout. It's not the greatest loop, but it's engaging. The level design complaints are valid, but being a game dev, I can see through most of the tricks employed to guide the player's eye, and it's starting to feel artificial seeing spotlights and ramps and color coding as a means to communicate how to progress. I don't mind spending a couple more minutes looking for that hidden vent.


"My destiny is to continue fighting"
Oct 31, 2018
Castelló, Spain
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?
I had a great time playing it, it's not a perfect game that's for sure but as IAchilleasI mentioned the political aspect is very enticing. The story has its ups and downs but for the most part it lets the characters grow on you. I think the cast did a great job giving each character its own life.

If you like FPS, stealth sections and some silly setpieces I can strongly recommend it :D


Sep 20, 2018
that we can agree on :)

and on this one we can disagree. there is really not a lot to like in there imo.

I finished the game 27/03/19 and maybe I'm just dumb but where does the game/story got to a far out place? The dismemberment? BJ's father? Where does it turn to an outright revolution? When they took 5 members from NY and 5 members from New Orleans?

I mean, Engel was for all intents and purposes already the main villain? And please spoiler me but I can't remember anything clever.


I think, in relation to the first 2 games, it is indeed terrible.
I don't like this sentence by sentence quoting, so I'll just reply to your main points as I identify them,

What I meant with the story was how there are some really crazy story beats. Namely how you just suddenly visit Venus, the entire scene with Hitler really, the beheading, certainly. I also liked the scene just before, were BJ dreams about liberating himself during the show trial, and how this is actually referenced in a few places when BJ asks himself if all of this is real. I generally love the monologues of BJ in this game, especially in the first half when he was slowly dying. Another reason the second half felt much weaker is how all of those very real and human concern just go out the window when he suddenly has this new body.

You ask about the revolution, and of course there aren't many people in the sub, (how could there be?) but it's referenced that they have people on the ground (when talking about the über commanders). Furthermore, BJ and co. now have the ability to fly wherever they want to and strike the Nazi machine wherever they want. Throughout the mission the they land heavy hits against their presence in the US, and even destroy their giant flying fortress by the end of it, and basically call them out on national TV. The credits depict the start of the actual revolt.
As such I assume Wolfenstein 3 will be about conquering the Nazi-controlled Europe (and presumably end with a fight against Robo Hitler 2.0)

I didn't feel Engel was the "main villain", after all she's just left and forgotten. All you see of her in the final mission is a video call, (when you kill her boyfriend (?)). Here she's the main focus and clearly the one leading the Nazi troops.

And no, calling this game terrible is just hyperbole. I found it really enjoyable at places, while I can acknowledge that it didn't have the same impact as the first one.


regretten? rien!
Dec 9, 2018
What I meant with the story was how there are some really crazy story beats. Namely how you just suddenly visit Venus, the entire scene with Hitler really, the beheading, certainly. I also liked the scene just before, were BJ dreams about liberating himself during the show trial, and how this is actually referenced in a few places when BJ asks himself if all of this is real. I generally love the monologues of BJ in this game, especially in the first half when he was slowly dying. Another reason the second half felt much weaker is how all of those very real and human concern just go out the window when he suddenly has this new body.

I't a personal taste thing but I thought the moon was better done in the first game. Venus really wasn't something special for me. The Hitler scene was funny, but sad that after kicking him you had to reload or did I miss something? All the things you listed I would say where decent but not great or something special. The so called revolution had no impact on me. Maybe it's that I'm a terrible person lacking empathy or the storytelling is just bad. I still think TNO was so much better it's not even a competition. And yeah, I wouldn't call the game shit (only the dlc) but yeah, I call it terrible in comparison to the first one (or even two).
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There was a fish in the percolator!
Apr 6, 2019
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?

Also, how taxing is Total War Warhammer 2? Got a ryzen 5 1600 and rtx2060
I played it on an Xbox One X and it was pure misery playing with a controller. The game isnt (or wasnt, dunno if it was patched later) balanced for controllers.

And yeah, mechanically it is identical to W1 but the levels are boring and the story is 'eh'.

I would still give it another chance on PC, tho.
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Dec 9, 2018
What's the consensus on Wolfenstein 2? I see good reviews but on steam it's on mixed, apparently too many cutscenes?

Also, how taxing is Total War Warhammer 2? Got a ryzen 5 1600 and rtx2060

A fair assessment imo, basically apart from the engine New Colossus is a step down in every department, subpar levels with too many commanders forcing you to sneak or immediately run to them and the story went from relatively clever, something you could actually get invested in, to becoming an absurd, confused farce trying too hard to top the predecessor (so like most vidya stories).


Chilling in the Megastructure
Nov 12, 2018
I've played some Baba Is You over the weekend at a friend's, and the game is really damn great.
(And apparently I haven't seen anything yet :p)
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Apr 19, 2019
This might sound like a hot-take considering how many people shout out from the rooftops how much they love these games but I really need to vent a little, especially after being forced to work on a f*ing sunday...
The Borderlands games of some of the most insipid, generic and overall bad games you can get nowadays. The gunplay, and general gameplay, is anemic, the world and level design are basic and have no real identity, they all feel like painted cardboard boxes, the characters are obnoxious and have no real personality besides being "edgy" or some sort of stereotypical representation of some "badass" social group, the rpg system is pathetic and a perfect example of what the big players in the market think rpgs are about, the exploration is unrewarding since all you get are weapons with +1 damage that you'll discard 5 minutes later and a trip down generic corrider #265... And on top of all of that, the worst offense these games make are the fact that by buying and playing them you're allowing idiots like Pitchford to exist.

I really fail to see how and why people like these games.

On a brighter note, I started playing Prey (only ~1h in) and I think I've finally found a worthy successor to the original Deus Ex.


Dec 22, 2018
This might sound like a hot-take considering how many people shout out from the rooftops how much they love these games but I really need to vent a little, especially after being forced to work on a f*ing sunday...
The Borderlands games of some of the most insipid, generic and overall bad games you can get nowadays. The gunplay, and general gameplay, is anemic, the world and level design are basic and have no real identity, they all feel like painted cardboard boxes, the characters are obnoxious and have no real personality besides being "edgy" or some sort of stereotypical representation of some "badass" social group, the rpg system is pathetic and a perfect example of what the big players in the market think rpgs are about, the exploration is unrewarding since all you get are weapons with +1 damage that you'll discard 5 minutes later and a trip down generic corrider #265... And on top of all of that, the worst offense these games make are the fact that by buying and playing them you're allowing idiots like Pitchford to exist.

I really fail to see how and why people like these games.

On a brighter note, I started playing Prey (only ~1h in) and I think I've finally found a worthy successor to the original Deus Ex.
Couldnt agree more. Played the game with a couple friends and it just... Never got interesting or engaging. It felt like fetchquest the game slapped on top of an fps diablo2 clone that didnt understand why the grind in D2 was fun.

And that mascot robot Claptrap or whatever, i was told he would stop being annoying after an hour or two. I just wanted to fire rockets at them nonstop because nope, annoying as fuck the entire time. And if I recall theyre invulnerable to your damage. Ugh

I dont see why Pitchford sees it as the game to win people over to EGS.


anime occult member
Sep 19, 2018
The Kingdom of Beer and Porn
Funyn how i never really had a problems with Borderlands charcters ... but well at the time i played them it was pretty much what i wanted aka FPS diablo2 with silly and crazy chars. And overall still kinda prefer it the shlooter GAAAss trite we get nowadays.
Also weird is that in comparision WD2 chars pissed me to the poind of dropping that game unlike the exagerated steretypes of Blands

nice update
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
I'm a tad confused... Did something happen back on the other forum? I'm noticing that some people I thought got permabanned seem to be back.
Dunno about bans, but a lot of former lurkers came out when the thread slowed down. Maybe some weird sense of duty to keep it alive lol.

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark is tough, jeez.
I'm interested in this game. Is it at least fair in the difficulty or is it beating you over the head outta nowhere?

An unbalanced difficulty would be a sure turn-off. :face-with-cold-sweat:
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Mar 13, 2019
Tomorrow (or maybe today, depending on your timezone) is the last Monday of the month, but a Monday nonetheless. Happy cause new GoT episode, IEM Sydney week and then there's Humble Monthly on the Friday though. I don't know if we have enough subscribers (and people don't need to subscribe to be honest), but it would be cool to have a Meta Prediction League for Monthlies (and maybe weeklies) like Reddit and SteamGifts have.


Dec 21, 2018
This might sound like a hot-take considering how many people shout out from the rooftops how much they love these games but I really need to vent a little, especially after being forced to work on a f*ing sunday...
The Borderlands games of some of the most insipid, generic and overall bad games you can get nowadays. The gunplay, and general gameplay, is anemic, the world and level design are basic and have no real identity, they all feel like painted cardboard boxes, the characters are obnoxious and have no real personality besides being "edgy" or some sort of stereotypical representation of some "badass" social group, the rpg system is pathetic and a perfect example of what the big players in the market think rpgs are about, the exploration is unrewarding since all you get are weapons with +1 damage that you'll discard 5 minutes later and a trip down generic corrider #265... And on top of all of that, the worst offense these games make are the fact that by buying and playing them you're allowing idiots like Pitchford to exist.

I really fail to see how and why people like these games.

On a brighter note, I started playing Prey (only ~1h in) and I think I've finally found a worthy successor to the original Deus Ex.
I very much agree.
But the problem is that Borderlands is not the first, but one of the big influencers on the rest of the industry, now the garbage itemization and complete lack of progression thanks to scaling and lack of variety is everywhere, from The Witcher 3 to Assassin's Creed, Skyrim to Breath of the Wild.

I pretty much lost interest in most of the AAA production because there is absolutely no reason to play them, you only get copy/paste +1 items fighting copy/paste enemies (when I see people spending hundreds of hours in games with a handful of different ennemies it's just sad), doing copy/paste quests if they're not straight up randomly generated (remember the radiant quests of Skyrim? Todd Howard didn't start serving trash with Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades).
Nothing is unique anymore, you don't get new abilities outside of Metroidvanias, you just get crap that you'll throw away in ten minutes. Or ten seconds with the amazing durability systems that we get today, insuring that you WILL have to equip more RNG crap on level scaled crap droping more.
Exploring question marks only to get a whooping nothing or the same thing that you have is just taking away all the feeling of wonder.
The latest Zelda might be the biggest tragedy that I've seen from that design, it's large, open, empty and meaningless. And bandit- sorry bokoblin camps even respawn, it's the whole bingo card of bad design.

When people complain about open worlds, I think that the lack of progression and interesting new mechanics to discover is to blame. It's too bad that the two became almost synonymous, some games like Elex and Outwards are not like this at least.
But spreading new gameplay systems, enemy variety, combat skills and movement abilities over the course of games that could last a hundred of hours (or an infinite amount with RNG content) is harder.

Game design is dead in the water in the AAA space, and I'm fucking bitter that Sony can only shit out more copy/paste with extra Batman stealth of broken AI and automated takedowns and that Nintendo is jumping right in with them. Good god are their franchises getting worse with each iteration.
But at least we'll get Halo Infinite! Totally not going to be an open world coop with random ? to fill up your 487/896 counter!

Stone Ocean

Proud Degenerate
Apr 17, 2019
Borderlands is a product of it's time when the genre was new and didn't really have the standards we do now.

It's like what if EA released Anthem 10 years ago when Destiny didn't exist.
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Reaper on Station。
Nov 1, 2018
Mt. Whatever
When Borderlands came out, I think I played it for about an hour on 360 before realizing it just wasn't for me. The humor didn't click, it looked hideous compared to other shooters of the time (Halo, CoD, Battlefield), and I just did not at all like the way it played.

It's been like that for most looter shooters since. The last one I actually liked was The Division, and only just barely, the spongey enemies almost ruined it completely, but damn was the PC port good.

Was kinda hyped for Div2, but then EGS exclusivity happened. Now I wait for a Steam version to eventually come out or something. Really don't feel like adding payment info to Uplay.
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Apr 19, 2019
I very much agree.
But the problem is that Borderlands is not the first, but one of the big influencers on the rest of the industry, now the garbage itemization and complete lack of progression thanks to scaling and lack of variety is everywhere, from The Witcher 3 to Assassin's Creed, Skyrim to Breath of the Wild.

I pretty much lost interest in most of the AAA production because there is absolutely no reason to play them, you only get copy/paste +1 items fighting copy/paste enemies (when I see people spending hundreds of hours in games with a handful of different ennemies it's just sad), doing copy/paste quests if they're not straight up randomly generated (remember the radiant quests of Skyrim? Todd Howard didn't start serving trash with Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades).
The Witcher games, and 3 in particular, did things differently enough that I don't believe it's fair to bundle it together with AC or Skyrim. It had it's fair share of problems but overall it's a positive landmark within the gaming industry. Although, to be quite honest, I preferred the tighter and more "linear" approach of The Witcher 2 to the sprawling beautiful open world vistas of The Witcher 3. It fitted the narrative, world and characters better.

It's funny that you mention Skyrim, which is a terrible game imho, since i think the open-world patient zero of terrible game design is Oblivion, and it's success affected all the subsequent AAA industry output. I'm sure we can make a list of all the usual open world faults and trace them back to Oblivion, like level scaling enemies, empty maps, quest markers, copy/pasted enemies, fetch quests, escort quests, gathering trash for selling/crafting, etc... The only thing missing seems to be collectibles, It's almost unbelievable to think the same company made Morrowind only a few year before.
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