Community The MetaVerse VR thread (hardware/software/etc, all platforms)


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seeing that H3 update is just kind of reminding me, anyone who owns the game and hasn't tried it - Sticky Jumping in that game is an absolutely enthralling experience.

Place a couple stickies on the ground, jump over it and explode em. Go flying through the air and start raining shots down on enemies. I spent a good hour in a map with no objective just flying around doing that.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Lone Echo is today's daily, 15 off again (37% off, deepest sale yet for the second time ever - afaik).
Robo Recall is also 15% off.
And they added more of their crazy expensive bundle stuff and more sales.
Last reminder and only since people are often on the fence with Oculus exclusives, I won't post every sale change or anything like that. And again for posterity there are some pretty cool VR stuff on the Steam sale as well (and often times but not always cheaper than on the Oculus Store if it's the same game).
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

And yep, despite the massive overhaul, it will apparently be completely free for owners of the first...
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
I've had a woeful experience with two recent VR games of late, and it's really bumming me out.

The first is Stormland. There's a lot to like about it: the locomotion's great, the interface is one of the best in VR I've ever played, and I'm curious about the plot, but the mission structure and character levelling/progression is dreadful. Plus I really dislike bullet sponge enemies, which Stormland is full of. I may give this one another go in the future, but I am very let down by it. I wish there was a bit more meat to the gameplay, and VR games need to go further than the novelty of being in VR and actually be legitimate good games in their own right. Stormland falls flat on that front.

Then there's Boneworks, which frankly was so disappointing I've just refunded it. Where Stormland does locomotion well, Boneworks completely crumbles. Climbing is a mess (whereas in Stormland it feels very accurate and considered in its implementation), walking around feels wobbly and inaccurate, and traversal around terrain feels plain impossible at times. I also never really felt like I was gripped by the campaign - it felt like it was a giant tech demo with a story tacked on, which is never a good thing. The gunplay is very solid, however, and I'd like to play more VR shootbangs going forward.

I also refunded another Steam sale game that disappointed me and now have around £50 in my Steam wallet, most of which is going to go on VR games. Any recommendations?


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
I don't feel Stormland has bullet spongy enemies, if anything I thought it was too easy up to the post-game stuff. Headshots matter, upgrading and changing weapons matters. There's stuff to dislike about it but overall it's fun as hell to me, I played it nonstop after adjusting to its style. The quicker you realize it's just an all action shooter with anything else like the open world and loot/upgrades being mere distractions rather than super deep features to delve into the better.

Agreed about Boneworks, I was even too kind with my criticism before, I've grown to dislike it further since, haha, it's like a how not to make games project. And yeah the climbing in Stormland is so awesome and empowering, the way you launch yourself and climb in leaps and bounds is so good coupled with all the gliding and hovering stuff (that you also upgrade and make it even quicker and more enjoyable and empowering to use like you're almost Iron Man cool).

What kind of games do you like to play, that's kinda like asking just any PC game out of thousands... Single player, co-op, PVP, FPS, action, puzzle, what?

Vox Machinae is a great multiplayer mech combat game, mostly PVP but also with co-op content in recent updates. The cockpit feel is amazing.

Budget Cuts is a cool stealth action puzzle game with nicely integrated teleport mechanics, the sequel just came out.

Apex Construct is a good sci fi action adventure game with archery systems at its core.

The Thrill of the Fight is a great boxing game, less fancy than Creed and its Rocky license but a really good sim.

Pistol Whip is the new kid on the rhythm game block, I love it and don't even play it as a rhythm game but as some funky cool new Virtua Cop-like.

In Death is a great archery based rogue-lite I spent many hours in early on, it has cool teleportation methods as well as free locomotion now.

SUPERHOT VR is a great little puzzle action game showing cool interactivity/physics/slow motion mechanics.

Racket Fury is a polished table tennis game with single and multi player, I was hoping another better one would come along but there's nothing so far.

Catch & Release is a nifty fishing game.

Red Matter is a very immersing and beautiful and also (to me) challenging pure adventure game with a great setting.

Moss is a fun, cute third person action adventure, you guide a sword wielding mouse around as if you're looking at a diorama of a fairy tale.

Space Junkies is a PVP zero gravity arena FPS, like Quake or Unreal in space, good for some instant mindless action. Ubisoft is done with it but it's very polished.

Ultrawings is a nice flight game, not quite a sim, maybe a bit like pilot wings, goals and stuff to get through.

Windlands 2 is a cool action adventure with not-web-swinging and archery gameplay. Also co-op capable.

Raw Data is probably the best of the arena/wave type shooter games with different classes, some progression stuff and co-op.

Onward is my favorite "standard" FPS, PVP focused as all but it has co-op I find myself enjoying despite dodgy AI. It has the best weapons/gameplay feel imo.

Lone Echo is a must play immersing adventure and so is the free Echo VR/Arena and its $10 Combat DLC which take its zero gravity mechanics to online PVP.

Journey of the Gods is a really nice Zelda-lite (it's small scale, short, linear and segmented in levels but the core systems are fun and the story neat enough).

VTOL VR is a great simulation style flight game, still light on content and not the most beautiful but with a wonderfully interactive cockpit and deep systems.

Blade & Sorcery has the best physics based melee combat but doesn't yet have progression and upgrades implemented in the current early access release.

There are many great early access games as the two above, I really like where Vengeful Rites is going as a VR RPG action adventure for example.

There's also the free-for-now A Township Tale to try for some online rpging/surviving/crafting shenanigans (and the OrbusVR demo/trial up to a certain level).
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Thank you for the comprehensive list! In terms of games, I am pretty open-minded about what I like to play, especially in VR as even genres I'm not usually interested in can be so wildly different through a HMD. But in terms of traditional games I am a fan of platformers, story-driven games, the odd shootbang here and there and RPGs.

Out of those games you listed, I already have/had a few.

I had Ultrawings on PSVR and bought it on PC recently because I sold my PSVR and love it a lot. Raw Data is decent fun, but I have that already (again on both PSVR and PC). I just bought Lone Echo as it's on offer on Oculus and I've really wanted to play it - I will get to that this weekend, probably.

I had Superhot VR on PSVR, but the dreadful tracking on that device made it unplayable and really soured me on the experience to the point I'm not sure I want to go back. But I will consider it once more.

I will look up all the other ones you listed.

Moss has always caught my interest, so I will keep that in mind, as has Apex Construct. Trover Saves the Universe looks neat too.


Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
This isn't even close to the Quest version yet but nice to see it's happening at all.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Not sure what systems this will be for, the dudes I guess also made Theta Legion which was for Oculus Go but also PC (and Quest?) recently? Looks pretty cute.
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Makoto Niijima Fan Club President
Dec 23, 2018
Having thought about what games I'd quite like to buy, I wound up grabbing the Cloudhead Games Holiday Bundle, which includes both episodes of The Gallery and Pistol Whip. I also plonked down on Trover Saves the Universe.

While doing my research, I did find a few good-looking titles that, while I've decided not to buy today, I will be sticking on my wish list for when I am next buying VR stuff.

Overflow have made a bunch of awesome-looking games, but the ones that appeal to me the most are Star Shelter and Abode 2 (especially this one, as I'm a sucker for escape room stuff) - I'm gonna try and grab these one of these days.

Gadgeteer looks like a fun Rube Goldberg simulator, which is something that appeals to me. Right now I'm put off because there doesn't look like there's much in the way of items to use (just blocks, a few slides and turners to guide things, and balls of course). I'd quite like them to add other elements of physics like water (of varying viscosity) and air/wind, plus wildly increase the kinds of interactive objects available.

Red Matter looks like a good puzzle game that I'd like to get to at some point. I almost bought it but something was telling me not to yet.

And the last one that really caught my eye, and one that I almost picked up, was The Invisible Hours. The only reason I skipped out on it was because I want something a little more interactive this time, even though a lot of people really enjoyed this one.

Yesterday I also snuck in a little pre-purchase for Half-Life Alyx while I was at it. Might as well accept that I'm gonna have it day one and just pay for it now.


Nov 12, 2018
Any opinions on The Gallery Episode 1 and 2? They're kinda pricey at the moment but they look interesting.


Jan 20, 2019
Clifton, New Jersey
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019


OH and 220 new beta keys below. Nab em fast!
Join the IRON REBELLION Discord Server!
Not actually live-live, just the Steam page itself is what this guy meant I guess. Looks like a nice Hawken-like mech game, we'll how it fares vs Vox Machinae.
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Good Morning, Weather Hackers!
Dec 8, 2018
So, quick question to PSVRMeta, is Blood and Truth worth a go? I've heard it's good but wondered if anyone here has played it?
I have £40 in my GAME UK wallet and quite fancy getting either B&T or Judgment if Game have them in stock.
As an aside, is there a PS equivalent to IsThereAnyDeal?


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2019
New Years resolution, stop mincing my words.

VR is a toy for rich gamers and it sucks when important games are locked to it.


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2020
New Years resolution, stop mincing my words.

VR is a toy for rich gamers and it sucks when important games are locked to it.
What’s an “important game” that’s getting “locked to it”? How is this different from the chicken and egg argument for VR aka “I don’t want VR because it has no games, and I don’t want games to go to VR because I don’t have it”?


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2020
Are there any reliable DP and USB extension cables to use for VR? My PC is in my bedroom on the other side of my living room wall. I have a pullout panel in my closet I can run cables through to behind the tv. I was thinking of getting some extension cables from my PC into the living room to hook up my VR there so I could have more play space.


No one beats me 17 times in a row!
Dec 5, 2018
New consoles and PC hardware are expensive toys for rich 1% and no games should be locked behind that. All games should be playable on the original home PC hardware that I had growing up, 386 + DoS compatible or it's a crime.


Not to mention you can get a quality VR kit for half the cost of a console, or roughly the cost of a good monitor, now.
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Overwhelmingly Positive
May 12, 2019
Are there any reliable DP and USB extension cables to use for VR? My PC is in my bedroom on the other side of my living room wall. I have a pullout panel in my closet I can run cables through to behind the tv. I was thinking of getting some extension cables from my PC into the living room to hook up my VR there so I could have more play space.
DP (1.8m/6ft):
Amazon product
USB (2m/6.5ft):
Amazon product
They work with my Rift S (unfortunately my Rift S has some other issues but that's another topic). When it comes to Displayport cables you're kinda limited to 1.8m/6ft extensions from what I've read; unless you buy some repeater or whatever.

Amazon previews aren't working for me, so here are the plain links:
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Don't confuse a single failure with a final defeat
Jan 3, 2020
I've had my Rift S now for a month. Amazing experience all around. Even Skyrim has been given a second wind thanks to it. I honestly don't think I'll be able to play Elder Scrolls VI without VR.


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2020
Been playing Arizona Sunshine on the Quest and I keep missing all my shots. This was not an issue when playing with my regular Rift on PC, what could be the issue here? My aim isn't shakier or anything, it's just that shots that look like certain hits keep missing wildly, even if I line up the crosshairs perfectly on static targets.


I <3 Pixels
Oct 21, 2018
Nvidia has added "Variable Rate Supersampling" for VR to the latest driver: CES Game Ready Driver Introduces New Gaming Features, Support For Wolfenstein: Youngblood Ray Tracing, New G-SYNC Compatible displays, and More

It basically uses VRS HW in turing to better and dynamically match rendering quality to HMD geometry. Only works in forward rendered / MSAA games, but luckily that's increasingly the case for VR games (since it's simply better for VR). Sadly they enable it per-game, currently supports ~25 games.


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2020
Couple months from the supposed HL: Alyx release. Should we be concerned we've only seen a short trailer and some off screen footage? I figured they would have shown off a lot more by now.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

Probably too early access for now but we'll see how it develops :)

Also, various VR related news from CES, some cool bits here and there with tiny super high res/hdr screens and small form goggles and new Pimax and Xtal etc., but probably nothing that affects the average consumer in the near future. CES 2020 VR And AR News Roundup: Everything You Might Have Missed
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

Lots more cool Blade & Sorcery stuff coming. Do click the link, gifs and pics and stuffs.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

Boiling Steel has a free demo now. Not sure if it's any different if you get it from its own page or just click download demo from the game page. Probably not.
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019
Another small but good patch for one of my favorites, Onward.
Reposting cos they've added some more articles since (panasonic's thing was shown before and there's one more low profile vr kit from pico): various VR(ish) news from CES, some cool bits here and there with tiny super high res/hdr screens, small form goggles, new Pimax and Xtal etc., but probably nothing that affects the average consumer in the near future (both the low profile vr kits are also low capability so we'll see how soon it can be applied to better things).
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Segata's Disciple
Jan 28, 2019

This looks pretty promising with dynamic speedy locomotion and chaotic combat.
A trailer is now on the Steam page (it was just screenshots). I believe the (solo) developer intends to kickstart this hence the unfinished state shown in much of it.

This was previously only on Oculus store (a region locked freebie, hopefully it won't only be available for British folk or something on Steam too, come on BBC).
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Junior Member
Jul 29, 2019
HTC had a press conference and accidentally had something along the lines of "We expect big growth in interest in VR with the release of HL: Alyx and Left 4 Dead 3 in VR this year" in a slide.

So throw another bit of evidence on the rumor pile.
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